bubble eat another coral?


i know this sounds funny but.... will a bubble coral actually eat another coral? I know it will sting anything within reach but....
Ok, I'm reallyl dumb and put my kenya tree up on a rock behind and above my bubble coral. One of my critters knocked it down behind the bubble coral over night. I know it probably got stung (has happened to it before) but the kenya tree was about to frag itself and drop a limb... the limb is no longer on the tree itself and I can't find it anywhere in the tank. I wanna know if the limb could have been caught and eaten by the bubble coral.
I hope that made since.


LOL....it probably floated under a rock...sometimes I lose a kenya branch, and after a few days it will work itself out into the open (flow ya know) lol


Well-Known Member
LOL...I agree with meowzer...in about two weeks your new tree should emerge..you will just notice it one day when it grows enough.


Originally Posted by Flower
LOL...I agree with meowzer...in about two weeks your new tree should emerge..you will just notice it one day when it grows enough.
well, ladies.... I'm sorry to report this as i wish you were right... but.... when the lights went out tonight and my bubble went into tentical mode i saw the branch in the mouth of my bubble. so it seems that if a coral gets in the way and the bubble finds it tasty it Will eat it! ugh. That's ok though, I still have my main tree and it will continue to grow and produce more frags for me. Thanks for the help!


Originally Posted by melypr1985
well, ladies.... I'm sorry to report this as i wish you were right... but.... when the lights went out tonight and my bubble went into tentical mode i saw the branch in the mouth of my bubble. so it seems that if a coral gets in the way and the bubble finds it tasty it Will eat it! ugh. That's ok though, I still have my main tree and it will continue to grow and produce more frags for me. Thanks for the help!
REALLY???? I thought they liked meaty foods

Kenya tree is JUNK FOOD