bubble in eye


Ok here is the deal. I have a minatus grouper that got fin rot 3 weeks ago and went on a food strike. I put him back in my main, however now he has pop eye with one eye and a bubble behind the other. His eyes have had this problem for 4 days and don't seem to be improving. I am really concerned about the eye with the bubble behind it. The bubble is a huge sack of air that is popping out above the eye ball. The other eye is just stuck out. I don't know anyone who has treated this so if some one could give me some help for both eyes.
Here is the ironic thing...i was treating my grouper with marcyn?? 2 which is suppose to stop fin rot and pop eye... however all it did was create pop eye and an air bubble. Please help. And is this fatal or can he lose an eye...etc?
My grouper is in my main tank and I got him to finally eat 3 days ago using a feeder stick (steak fork) works pretty good. Thanks.


Active Member
Please tell us more about your tank parameters...age, fitration, inhabitants, water parameters (specifically: specific gravity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates). This is very important.


Ok here are the parameters.... two fish in tank: minatus grouper and huma huma trigger inverts- mushrooms 4inch LS Good amount to LR.......
Nitrate- 20 Lower than I thought
Salinity- 1.023 (always kept it this low)
Thanks for your time
Tank has been set up for about 3 years total... I have had my minatus for 2 years.


It is normally caused by environmental conditions like poor water quality, high DOC’s, high nitrates, improper catching like when using a net, fighting with other fish, or by having hit something hard in the tank like rocks, heaters, or any other stationary object. It can also be caused by bacteria, parasites, virus or a growth behind the eye.
In minor cases of Popeye the eye will usually return to normal without blindness. If more serious the eye may appear colorless, grey or have that clouded look, and could result in blindness in the eye. If both eyes are affected and are severe the eyes may burst or disappear in which case the fish may not be able to recover and may die.
First treatment that is normally tried is to do a large water (30%)change. This could improve the condition of the water that may have caused the popeye.
When did you first notice the popeye? before adding back to the main tank or after?


I would also like to know how you were treating with the Maracyn 2.
What doseages were you using?
Did you do any water changes while he was in the QT?
How long was he in the QT?


Ok the eye with pop-eye occured in the QT tank. However the (eye i am concerned with the most) eye with the air sac occured during the first night I put him back into the tank.
After getting the values of my parameters the only thing i can conclude is that the trigger took a nip out of the groupers fins which caused fin rot.
But this air sac thing is scary. I feel bad for the fish and am trying to do everything I can to help him. It still seems to be getting bigger. The guy at the fish store (after i told him the story) said it is an air bubble behind the socket and will take a long time to recover. There is no film on either of the eyes. Thanks again.
If anyone has help about this air sac or experience please let me know. Thanks.
Ok here is the QT process: (pretty sloppy)
Noticed fin rot
got QT tank ready with powerhead and air bubbles.
Followed the instuctions (in a 10 gal tank so:0
1 tablet the first day and an 1/2 tablet for the next 4 days
after five days it was suppose to be gone (suppose is the key word:
Put him back into the big tank (noticed deteriorating fins)
did treatment again
put back into main tank
started feeding him 4 days ago with a feeder stick.
Yes he went without eating for almost 3 weeks. And i tried everything (garlic and zoe)
Now he is eating and seems to be gaining some strength. (knock on wood). But isn't swimming much at all, just kinda sits there. The trigger is better than ever (prob b/c the grouper use to rule the tank). The main tank is divided into two halves to separate them.


According to both Terry and Beth our resident experts the treatment using Maracyn-Two should be as follows:
Use the Maracyn-Two at the double dose each and every day for 7 to 10 days if the infection appears to be internal, 5 to 7 days for external. A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics.
You can also run carbon a couple of hours before the next dose but not during.


Just when I thought everything was going to work out......now the other eye has the air sac. Man this stinks...
Anyway he is still getting more aggressive when eating. I understand that one eye could get an air bubble but how did the second one just come about? I turned off my trickle filter the day before so it might have taken a while for the air bubble to go to the other side.....or the pressure could be increasing so much from one eye it is causing the other to get an air bubble...any thoughts? It does look like both of the air sacs are getting bigger.


Did you try the water change?
The dose of maracyn that you used before may not have been enough. I am not sure whether to tell you to retreat a 3rd time using the double dose or not. Perhaps Terry or Beth can give you a better answer or be able to tell if there is another concern here that may require a different med like nitrofurizone.


Well your right SAT...it is a physical problem...my test kit. I use Salifert and well it doesn't work to good at all. I went to my LFS just to make sure my levels were right since the 20 nitrate reading stuck me as odd and due to your concerns about the poor water. Anyway the nitrates were bad.... so I am going to do a 50% water change and I got new test stripes. This time the brand is Mardel and they are 5 test in one strip. I hope this is good...never heard of them but this LFS is really good saved my fish once before and give good advise about other stuff that match what this board says. Anyway they advised me to do a water change rather than doing medication right away. What do yall think... Thanks Thomas looks like you were right on the mark about the water quality.
Also I have Kents Marine 60 gpd unit I believe 4 stages. Is there a way to test and make sure my unit is still good? (like with my test kit) I don't have the devise that measures this but am seriously thinking about getting it.


As for being right, I learned it all from Terry and Beth and reading all of their posts about popeye.
As to the RO question, not sure but I would bet you could test the water that comes out just like any other water or have your LFS test it. Perhaps go to the Reef forum and start a seperate post about RO units and post your question their, lots of good posters have them and would be able to tell you.