bubble question


What does it mean when I have TONS of little bubbles coming up from my sand bed? This just started to happen the last few days. Tank has been up and running for 5 months now.


Active Member
could be sulfides escaping =bad
or could be the end of the nitrogen cycle , nitrogen gas = good
can u do a test for ph


Originally Posted by reefreak29
could be sulfides escaping =bad
or could be the end of the nitrogen cycle , nitrogen gas = good
can u do a test for ph
just tested 2 hours ago, here are the results
No3 2.5 a bit low
Calcium 410
Phos zero
PH 8.0 little low
KH 120
No2 .05
NH .15
ALk 1.4 low


Originally Posted by reefreak29
interesting why would you have nitrite and ammonia in your tank . is it new or astablished

I had a 55 gall reef up for about 2 years, then upgraded to a 125 about 4-6 months ago. I used all the water, most sand, all rock (plus lots more new rock) from the 55 gal.


Active Member
sorry i didnt get back to you , any how after 4 months you should be 0 for ammonia and nitrite. can you list your live stock and filtration


Originally Posted by reefreak29
sorry i didnt get back to you , any how after 4 months you should be 0 for ammonia and nitrite. can you list your live stock and filtration
Yellow Tank, 2 clowns, damsil, Pj Cardinal. 2 pink tip anemones, 7 or 8 various corals, nice size clean up crew, 3 cleaner shrimp.
Super Skimmer, Lifeguard UV, Pro Clear 125 wet/dry, Chiller, Ro/Di unit
3X Aqualight Advanced Series HQI Metal Halide lights