$$Bubble Tip Anemone For Sale$$


i have a bubble tip anemone for sale. it is between three and four inches when it is fully opened. it is very healthy. im asking $75 but willing to bargain or trade for a coral.
if you are interested please give me an email at:
if you email me please mark your subject as: BUBBLE TIP ANEMONE
or something of the sort. if not i will most likely not recognize your name and email address and will delete you.
thank you and i hope to get an email from you.


i don't make a habit of posting negative comments, but $75? imo, you should cut that in half if you want to have the slightest chance of selling it.
unless it is maybe ... a rare kind of bta :notsure:


Active Member
Agreed^ Is that including shipping and stuff? Or is it pickup only? Try to be more specific, you will get more responses...


Size, age and health of the aneome are factors too. I would provide that info and post some pics of him.
In the stores, you can get them for about 50 bucks.