Bubble tip anemone HELP


Yesterday i went to my lfd and bought gs maroon clown and BTA, last night i put them in and everything ws going fine. this morning i woke up and the anemone was gone! i looked at the inflow of my powerhead and there he was halfway in it! i immediatly grabbed him and placed him in a secure area, the pump seemed to do a good bit of damage but there are a few tentacles that look just fine, but a lot of them are disfigured.
Please help me!!
I dont want this guy to die!!!


Anyone know what i should do? Plus my water turned real cloudy after all that, anyone know what i should do??


Please does anyone know/ think he will survive?? is there anything i can do to help this guy??? please let me know! :help:


Active Member
He may survive, depends on the damage. Keep it well lit with high intensity lighting, and feed twice a week.
If the water is cloudy.....do a water change IMMEDIATELY!!! The toxins from his body are in your water now and anything except the clown can be affected.
Two words for you......sponge filters!! Over every intake. Prevents this from ever happening.


Also run carbon.
Is the anemone still in the intake or is he seperate from the intake? If he is still inside the intake then there still isn't much you can do just let it work its way out, or leave him be and get those sponge filters to cover any power head or intake like Grog suggested.


Originally Posted by WillCon
should i really do a water change, the fish seem fine
Don't you do regular water changes anyway?
A 10%or20% water change can only help to keep your water quality clean and healthy, its up to you. If you feel it isn't broke then fine, personally with what anemones can release from their bodies I would recommend the water change, or at least the carbon.