Bubble tip anemone


i bought this live rock the other day and all these little anemone type things or poppin up. the one under the halide has gotten quite big. It looks very simmilar to the bubble tip but is very tiny. have any of you had this species as a hitch hiker before? is it likely at all that this could happen? any input would be much apreciated!! :joy:
I have a pic if anyone knows what they look like when they are premature, ill post it.


oh yeah and every once in awhile the center of it opens up or something and it is neon green. anyone know of anything that sounds/looks like this?


thanks for the quick response, i looked up the mejano, it doesnt have a stem at all and the tips arnt green, they are more of a whiteish brown. here is a pic
Sorry for thebaad quality, its so tiny i couldnt get it zoomed on it at all
this is the smaller one of the bunch


Aiptasia anemones :mad: Are horriable if you got them. But can be easily takin care of. there is a few ways. buy a couple of peppermint shrimps, a copperbanded butterfly fish, a nudibrach. these are a couple of the creatures you can buy. you can also inject them with a niddle full of boiling hot water. there is also a chemical you can buy that you can inject t hem with. they can grow and spread real quick. they are known as a pest. stinging everything. do not try to scrap them or pull them off. the tinest piece will grow to a brand new one. good luck. in my fowlr i had about 50 of these guys pop up, i bought a couple peppermints and copperbanded and they were all gone in a about 2 weeks. now i just have the occasiaonly 1 or 2 pop up that my peppermints take care of. the copperbanded is a very hungry fish. once the anemones are gone, if you plan on keeping him , you must feed him very often. i hope this works for you and good luck.


Active Member
Can you get a better pic? That doesn't look like aiptasia if it's the bubble looking mass in the center.


Thanks for the replys, here is a better pic. its got to be the aptasia, there are like 5 or 6 and ive only had the tank setup for 2 days! do you think they will survive the cycle? if i get a peppermint shrimp will that survive the cycle?


if you are just starting to cycle your tank, then i would let it ride. go ahead and finish the cycle then introduce your first fish ( ie a cheap 2 or 4 dollar damsel ) to finish off the cycle. once everything is complete go ahead and introduce a shrimp or 2 and you will be fine. the anemones will come back every now and then. unless you keep a good clean up crew and a shrimp or 2 at all times. right now i still have a few of them but they are in my filters where i cant get them.

salty cheese

Active Member
Originally Posted by WillCon
thanks for the quick response, i looked up the mejano, it doesnt have a stem at all and the tips arnt green, they are more of a whiteish brown. here is a pic
The foot might be anchored inside a crevice on the rock so it might apper to be laying flat, the whitish color might be caused by bleaching.
It may be a GBT but IMHO the fact that there are several on one rock leads me to believe it is Majano.


great pic its got to be it, im jsut gonna wait till the cycle is over and get a peppermint shrimp. any other suggestions anyone else ever have a problem with the majano??


not a problem at all. I have 4 of them in my tank. they do very well. They breed alot and help contribute to the cycle in the tank.


Active Member
i would definatly wait until your cycle is over before adding anything, nevermid inverts. Pepermints eat aiptasia though. I am about positive that that is not aiptasia..... The first pic looks like a BTA, but it is hard to tell since it is so small. but the second looks like majano. And since you have 5 or 6 on one rock, it does sound more like it. It is very likely that it wont even survive the cycle. I am not familiar with majano, but my guess would be that it would not. But none the less, i would wait on the pepermints if i were you.