Bubble Tip Anemone

joe r.

New Member
Today when me and my friend went into his office his BTA had divided over night. We want to take one and place it in my office tank for my maroon clown. Does anyone know how long we should wait to transfer it after it just split? (Kinda looks like its healing) Also after a split does it cut down the life of the origionial? If there is an origionial! Crazy stuff. My first time witnessing such a thing. :cool:
Thanks again.


Active Member
I would wait a couple of weeks to allow it to heal completely after a split. Make sure the tank you are moving it to is adequate with water quality and lighting too.
I don't think it will cut down on it's life just splitting. From what I understand, they don't suffer the same cellular breakdown as humans...meaning they don't "age" in the typical sense of the word.


Active Member
Evanston, I have to come down to SLC to do all my fish shopping... :D About like everyone from SLC comes here to get beer... ;)


New Member
Yup, no kegs in SLC unless you make the trip to Evanston, What Fish shop do you go to? Where have you been able to find the best selection?


Active Member
My favorite is the Aquarium in Sandy, also like Bird World in Bountiful. That's the only two I shop at.


New Member
Ya those seem to be the two best, I got my BTA from aquarium. Another one that has the best price on LR (that I have found) is Incredible Pets they let me select my LR from the display tanks so it was all fully cured and matured. Good deal $1.00 less per pound than Bworld and Aquarium.

joe r.

New Member
It's on Highland dr. and about 8700 south. Just up the street from the aquarium. It's in a strip mall in the corner. They have a different variety than Bworld and Aquarium. There is also Marks Ark on 5600 South and Redwood Rd. There is another guy on this board called Leviwan I think from Ogden area. He is sending me an address to a distributor in the SLC valley. I'll let you know. Also it sounds weird but there is a fish store at the prison at the point of the mountain. Just have to go through security but they are real cheap. I dont dare go through.


New Member
It is in Sandy approx. 8600 South Highland Drive (2000 East) so not to far from The Aquarium just more east. It is in a strip mall next to a Reams and some dance studio. You should check it out they dont really have many Corals but they do have a decent selection of SWF and live rock, their aquarium prices seem to be more competitive than b world and the aquarium,


Active Member
Thanks guys, I know the aquarium and Bworld are some what more expensive but they are 1st rate LFSs. Not saying Incredible Pets isn't ;) . I'll check them out next time I'm down that way.