Bubble Tip Anemones


:help: I purchased a Bubble Tip Amenone yesterday and put it in my 100 tank. This morning I couldn't find it but was not worried because my lights don't turn on until noon. I thought after the lights turned on it would come to the light. Wrong, it is down deep in the rocks in a semi shady area. Is this normal? Any ideas?


Yes it is very normal. When You first get one, they take some time to adjust to your current lighting. Sometimes they move around quite a bit, until they find the "perfect spot"
If they stay to long in a place You think would be hazardest ( sp)
Move them yourself. Hopefully it will be on a small rock !!


Its been three days and it (he or she) is still down deep in the rock. It looks healthy but I want to move it. The problem is I can't reach it without harming it or tumbling the rock. I know that my feather duster has attached itself to the rock and won't move. Will the bubble tip attach itself also or will it move in time? :confused:


In nature BTA live in holes in the rocks. In time he will come out in the light. Do not take him off the rock!!! It is very hard to do this and you might rip his disk. To speed up the opening process feed him krill or a silverslide.


if you want him to move the best thing would be to make him not like that spot.... what i do is put a small PH on them and they move on there own.


First, what is a small PH? Second, I have 4 (two blue and two white) 58 inch VHO-1's. The blue are on 14 hours per day and the white are on 12 hours per day.


Active Member
i dont think thats enough lighting if i read that correctly how many watts does it create


Active Member
i think u should run them both at the same time, and how many watts do it create alltogether ur VHOS


I was trying to create the moon rising and setting effect but I can run them both 14 hours. As for the watts, I am not at home right now and won't know how to determaine that.


Active Member
k. it would be better to run them both for 10-12 hours then run half set of bulbs half of the day


Does this mean run all of them for 10 - 12 hours then let the blue lights continue for an additional 6 - 8 hours?


k. it would be better to run them both for 10-12 hours then run half set of bulbs half of the day
11- 9 would be 10 hours. But what I am confused about is what you mean by "run half set of bulbs half of the day.


Active Member
if u have 2 bulbs and run 1 of the bulbs half they day ur only getting 1 bulb the whole day, but if u run them for 10-12 hours u get 2 bulbs on instead of 1


PH = power head. they realy don't like alot of current. if you put more curren were they are at... they pack up and move!


Thats probably the problem because I have high currents. If it is to high for the BT could it be ti high in general??????


Active Member
well if u place it in the middle of the tank and it sprays sand up on the bottom from it going everywhere its too high of a powerhead