Bubble Tip Anemones


I have two pumps, a bottom and top return pump. I think the LFS may have over sold me on these becuase the top return is about 25% open and the botton is about 60%. I have yet to intoduce corral into the tank but I thouight they required current. My bottom return is 1 inch PVC accross the bottom and there are some sand holes but NO sand blowing. It does appear that the BT is seeking selter from the current while there is a hole in the rock giving it light. Conditions could change but I guess that is where it stays for now.


Here's a quote i took from a different site:
"These anemones are hardy, but require proper tank conditions including moderate lighting--they do not need or like intense lighting and will hide if blasted with intense light--, alternating strong current, water paramenters appropriate for corals, and feeding of meaty seafood directly-every 2-3 days."
If lighting is the issue, you may want to try a couple of things. You could try and drive him out after the lights go out with a powerhead, or create an overhang to shade him in the area he is in now, then he may come out of the hole, and expand under the overhang, so at least you can view him nicely. I've seen this work with other bta's before. They seem to stretch out nicely under the overhang, and can simply stretch out beyond the overhang to get light if they need/want it. Once he's in a place you like, encourage him to stay by feeding him right away.

Please respect the natural environment that makes this hobby possible. Be responsible and be informed. Support aquacultured/tank raised species.


Scubasteve & MarksMagic Thank You for your post. I was getting confused but now realize that I am on the right track. My tank has a lot of room yet to fill so I think I will let it stay wherever it wants. The BT would not have been my first choice of purchase but it was recommended by someone on this site because they thought my lighting won’t support others. This week I plan to introduce two small clowns and a yellow tang. (It’s a Nemo theme for my six year old.) This will be my only fish in the tank. In reading the post on my subject I notice that I need to be careful on numerous anemones, I will have to research that. I plan to add a something (coral, anemone, claim, etc.) each month until it gets there. I rely on this site for my knowledge so Thanks Again.


BTA came out today and is on the rock in a great place. I think it may be hungry or needed more light. I'm going fishing in the morning and will feed it some fish when I get back. I assume that it would need a chunk of fish or shrimp the size of a quarter of a dime. Do I just place it in the middle of the BTA. What risk to the tank do I have feeding fish scraps? :notsure:


yea u can just place the food in the middle of the anemone, not sure u can do this with bubbles cause their tentacles are shorter than hatians but i would just drop food in for my pink tip hatain and brush it over its way and it would reach and get it. HTH


I've been meaning to ask this in previous posts. What size chunks of food do you guys normally feed your anemones? I've given mine half a jumbo shrimp before and it's gone in few minutes. At first i was scared of overfeeding him, but he always looks great after feeding. I've read it's good to feed them fish with the bones in also. Also, does anyone spike their food? I've been warming my shrimp in a mixture of tankwater and phytoplankton the past couple of weeks.


I have the same question. I feed my BTA a peice of fish the size of a dime. He ate it right up. Was the amount I fed to small? I would like to feed it weekly. Can they be over fed? :notsure:


i have a bta which i feed about every third day. i usually mix between squid cubes and chunks of krill around the size of a quarter. i think the size of food should be based on the size of the bta mine is around 6 inches when he is in a good mood. oh yea i also soak with Selcon.