Bubble tip anenome


I just bought a bubble tip anenome yesterday and it is smaller today than yesterday. Will it survive with 330 watts of light in a 75 gal tank for a while. Also do i feed it directly or is it a filter feeder.


I have frozen brine shrip. Will that work. Do I have enough lighting for him, 330 watts for a 75 gal


The frozen brines will work till you get him something with more substance like the silversides. As for the light, it may be barely enough to maintain the animal, but it probably will not grow any bigger than it is now.


Active Member
I have (so far) successfully kept a bubble tip since Feb under 160 watts vho. It split in March and both have always done well. I feed them once or twice a week. I go to Wal Mart and for about 4 bucks buy a bag of frozen seafood (which lasts forever). It has shrimp, squid, octopus etc and I cut pieces very small and use a turkey baster to squirt a few pieces into the tentacles of the bubble tips, then they just wrap them up an push them to their mouth. IME feeding has been just as important if not more than high lighting . I feed the whole tank with these pieces of fish a couple times a week. HTH


Active Member
maybe yours is constipated :( j/k Mine usually poop for a couple hours or so, but I wouldn't worry unless it's losing color, or moving around a lot or not sticking it's foot to something. BTA's tend to be kind of wierd and do contortionist type stuff. Good luck with it. If yours is brand new to the tank it could be expelling everything and then taking in new water nutrients etc to replenish it zooanthelline (did I spell that right?)


mine is a green LongT anenome it has been blowing it self up so big it looks like a apple and then deflates


Active Member
Well, then IMO yours if fine. If you can tell by the pics one of mine, the first one, like to be right in front of the mazijet 1200 ph and the other one prefers a milder current. Just let them settle where they are happy.