this is a direct quote from another site...
yet, i often read how intense lighting is needed on this and other boards...
my point? SOOOO many different opinions out there, thats all.
Bubble tip Anemone Colors vary-mostly Green and some with colored tips. These anemones are hardy, but require proper tank conditions including moderate lighting--they do not need or like intense lighting and will hide if blasted with intense light--, alternating strong current, water paramenters appropriate for corals, and feeding of meaty seafood directly-every 2-3 days.
yet, i often read how intense lighting is needed on this and other boards...
my point? SOOOO many different opinions out there, thats all.
Bubble tip Anemone Colors vary-mostly Green and some with colored tips. These anemones are hardy, but require proper tank conditions including moderate lighting--they do not need or like intense lighting and will hide if blasted with intense light--, alternating strong current, water paramenters appropriate for corals, and feeding of meaty seafood directly-every 2-3 days.