BUBBLE TIP misonceptions in the community?


this is a direct quote from another site...
yet, i often read how intense lighting is needed on this and other boards...
my point? SOOOO many different opinions out there, thats all.
Bubble tip Anemone Colors vary-mostly Green and some with colored tips. These anemones are hardy, but require proper tank conditions including moderate lighting--they do not need or like intense lighting and will hide if blasted with intense light--, alternating strong current, water paramenters appropriate for corals, and feeding of meaty seafood directly-every 2-3 days.


Active Member
well yeah?
it all depends on whom you speak to. my rbta extended itself to a good 5" in my 12g. i freaked out and moved it in my 75g, which has MH bulbs, and it shrunked back to 3".
was it got so big in the 12g because it was happy? or it wanted more light and expanded itself to get more explosure?


Active Member
4 watts per gallon would be considered moderate lighting so i agree that a BTA should be ok as long as it is kept in a mature and stable tank.


You know there's always the exception... My BTA under 2 175 watt metal halides with 2 VHO actinic. He couldn't get close enough to the light...


Now he's under 2 250 watt halides (new, I might add) also with the VHO's and he ain't hiding!!


Active Member
My BTA's stay about half way down the rocks and turned towards the front under T5 lights. I had one in a 55 with 260 watts of PC's and it stayed on top of the rocks facing up.


OK and now my experience. I had the moderate lighting at 4.2222 or something watts per gallon and many of mine were as high as they could get in the water colum. Over the last couple of months or so I went to 10.44 watts per gallon, this was with 2-250 watt MH lights and changing to the 440 watt VHO's. NONE of my anemones have moved other than to grow, and I count 10 anemoens now.
They did get darker in color and many of them have reached for the sky so to speak.
So it makes me wonder if the depth at which they are harvested or the conditions that they are used to makes a difference. Adaptability and survival plays a part. There are so many factors about each individual tank as well.
Let us quote Forrest Gump shall we.
"Life is like a buch of Anemones, you never know what your goonna get" "or what there gonna do"

bang guy

IMO lighting is just one parameter. Food quantity and water conditions will have a lot of effect on where a BTA wants to hang out.