Bubble Tip Vs. Kenya Tree


ok..i have this kenya tree..i have had it for a long time..and its gotten pretty big..and a couple of month ago i added a bubble tip anemone..and it set up house near it.. but not too close...
however it split about a month ago..and now these two aneomones have sandwiched the kenya tree inbetween them and the kenya tree wont open up..what can i do?? the anemones keep stinging the kenya tree every time it opens up..
i have tried moving the anemones but they wont bulge and the kenya tree is attatched to the rock..what can i do? :help:


Ask Thomas712 in the Clownfish and Anemone Forum. He has had BTA's for 5 years or so and can help you.


Active Member
You can try to aim a PH at the anemones to get them to let got. If that dosen't work hold a bag of ice around the anemones foot. That's how I got mine to let go. I read it on here.


Active Member
I would suggest to move the rock that the anenomes are on to the sand floor, my rose was encroaching on my fox coral in the same way, I moved the rock down, they like a lot of light, It moved up the rock scape within a few hours. All was good again. I would try this first. If this is not possible then you may have to frag the kenya tree. It worked for me, try it.


ok thanks..yea i'll definitly try moving it first..b/c i don't wnat to frag it..b/c i cant frag whatsoever and i do not want to risk kiling that kenya tree..its pefect..i like it..but thanks for the suggestions!


kenya trees may be the easiest coral in the world to frag. They comoe right off the rock. Just pull it off the rock and attach else where. If you have multiple brances you can place them in different spots. They usually attach to a rock in a few days.


In the event the anemones expand even more on that same rock the tree will loose, I've seen it with star polyps, then again I've seen star polyps win against candy cane corals and even xenia.
Move the tree as suggested or place an ice cube or two into a ziplock bag and place it on the foot of the anemone to loosen it up and move it.


ok thanks..i just wound up ripping the kenya tree right off the rock and stuck the base inside a hole in a rock on the other side of the tank, how long will it take for it to attatch and fully open again?