bubble tip?


I have 3 rose anemones and a two other small bubble tips. What causes the bubble on the end? When I first got the two smaller ones they had a very distinct bulb. Now they look more like my roses with no bulb. What exactly causes it? :confused:


Active Member
the truth spyder is that no one really knows...it used to be thought that it was an issue with not enough light.....this is no thte case...the shop that i work in we have a rose bta ina 65 with 2 96 w pc's over that is electric pink with bubble tips and we have a daughter(split) in our 150 show under 3X250 w HQI halides, and it doesnt have bubble tips..i honestly think that no one really knows why!
good luck


My friend had his under pc's. Mine are under MH. I would be interested in those that have anemones with bubble tips what type of lighting do you have?


I've got mine under pc and when i first got my BTA, it didnot have bubbletips, but now, some of its tenticles seem to be geting bulgy around the middle.


Active Member
My bta's have bubble tips but not all the time. They do different formations. I have them under 440 watts vho.