Bubble Walls in salt water tank?


I would like to hear some opinions on a bubble wall in a salt water tank. Good idea or bad idea? and why. Thanks


Hi there,
Originally Posted by trouble93
I would like to hear some opinions on a bubble wall in a salt water tank. Good idea or bad idea? and why. Thanks
I have been thinking about that myself for quite a while now. The only legitimate reason that I find not to use them is that it might act like a protein skimmer. I will be trying this once I have the room for an additional tank.


Originally Posted by locoyo386
Hi there,
I have been thinking about that myself for quite a while now. The only legitimate reason that I find not to use them is that it might act like a protein skimmer. I will be trying this once I have the room for an additional tank.
I think I'm going to try it on a taller tank.


Originally Posted by coralreefer
dont do it, it will add micro bubbles to the tank which are harmful to fish
A bubble wand or a flat air stone about a 12 in. wide & 24 or 36 in. long, wouldn't give you micro bubbles. Bubbles are much larger.


Well-Known Member

You can't use a bubble wand or anything that creates any kind of bubble in a saltwater tank. It will kill the fish...Saltwater is different than fresh and how it effects fish.
I am not good on tech stuff...but I believe it has to do with the gills and how oxygen is exchanged. I have been warned and warned about bubble wands, so I listen to those with the experience...


There are several reasons why bubble wands/bars/stones are not good for saltwater tanks. The first one is that they do not distribute oxygen throughout the tank. Saltwater is very dense. The bubbles will only flow straight up. The surrounding water will still be oxygen poor which will create PH fluxuations within the tank. The areas that are oxygen poor will have a lowerer PH than the small area where the bubles are flowing. The next reason is that they can cause pop eye. The bubbles break on the surface of the eye as the fish swim through resulting in bulging eyes and eye infections. Another reason is salt creep. The bubbles break at the surface causing the saltwater to splash up and make a mess. Basically the only possitive thing that you get from using bubble bars is the pretty look. There are more negative things that come from it, which makes using them not worth it at all.


Active Member
Also if you have a reef tank the flow alone in my tank would put them bubbles all over the place there would be no way they would go straight up. Then the bubbles would get sucked in my powerhead and now I have micro bubbles. Just not worth it imo


I talk to a guy last night that has had a wand in one of his tanks for more then 3 years, with the same fish. Like stated above the only problem is salt creep. This is not a reef tank. And mine isn't going in a reef tank eather.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
I talk to a guy last night that has had a wand in one of his tanks for more then 3 years, with the same fish. Like stated above the only problem is salt creep. This is not a reef tank. And mine isn't going in a reef tank eather.

The wonderful thing about this site is that those with experience help the those with less knowledge...for those who don't want to take the advice...That is okay too. Live and learn.
Post a picture, I would love to see your tank.


Originally Posted by Flower

The wonderful thing about this site is that those with experience help the those with less knowledge...for those who don't want to take the advice...That is okay too. Live and learn.
Post a picture, I would love to see your tank.
No truer statement has ever been made. Thanks.


With a little study you will find the only benefit is that it looks pretty. The saltcreep along is enough to keep me from doing it. I kind of go by the theory "If its not broke, don't fix it" and have saved a lot of time and money with that thinking. When I first got into saltwater and everything was good I was always looking to change something with the end result not being as expected. Anyway, just by 2 cents. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


Active Member
i forgot where i read this but i heard that the bubbles can get stuck in the fish's gills. idk if thats true or not though. everything sepulatian said i also agree with and have read as well


Originally Posted by Snaredrum
With a little study you will find the only benefit is that it looks pretty. The saltcreep along is enough to keep me from doing it. I kind of go by the theory "If its not broke, don't fix it" and have saved a lot of time and money with that thinking. When I first got into saltwater and everything was good I was always looking to change something with the end result not being as expected. Anyway, just by 2 cents. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

True, but the only thing I'm after is the look.


Maybe everybody doesn't see things the way I do...Take a look at all the pics you have seen of other tank. Basically everything is the same. One thing I have found in this hooby is there is a lot of ways to achieve the same golds. I have 4 tanks and I services 6 more and after awhile they all look the same. So I look to add a twist. So if I have to do a little more cleaning and maintenance I'm O.K. with that.


Just want to share my experience, I also think that bubble wands look pretty even though a lot of people don't. I can not speak for the technical side of the affect on the fish, but when I first started (and this was with a glass canopy) I did the bubble wand (very pretty) but OMG the salt creep was far worse than I ever could have imagined, it had to go, it was a nightmare. I am not saying don't do it, but may experience was terrible salt creep. Good luck, it does look pretty to me.