Bubble Walls in salt water tank?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
Auto top off with salt mix insted of fresh water. That would keep the salinity levels in check.
NOOO that will kill everything! SG has to stay at a certain level the exact same always...I hope you are kidding
The ocean does not change its salt level, no critter can take a constant change in those levels. If you do what you said, it will fluctuate too much and not be controlled at all.
In the end all you will have is an empty tank with a bubble wall.


I want to thank everyone for there input...This post has gone over some real inportant information from micro bubble and poppy to the danger of salt creep and unstable salinity levels. For me this post was a quest for more insight. I believe there is a way to do anything. Be it right or wrong but there is a way. I had an idea and I ran with it. Don't worry fellow hobbyist I know there is no place for a bubble wall in a saltwater tank, but you have to admit everybody has thought about it at one time or another. A new hobbyists will look at this post and say why is he being so bull headed and I hope that there where a few that stuck this post out until the end. A lot of time we will tell a new hobbyists no you can't do this or you can't do that, but we don't take the time to tell them why. I hope I didn't piss anyone off by doing this. One thing that is a fact is we do come together as a community. Again thanks and I hoped this has help somebody.


Originally Posted by Flower
NOOO that will kill everything! SG has to stay at a certain level the exact same always...I hope you are kidding
The ocean does not change its salt level, no critter can take a constant change in those levels. If you do what you said, it will fluctuate too much and not be controlled at all.
In the end all you will have is an empty tank with a bubble wall.
I remember, you went through this before?


Active Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
Auto top off with salt mix insted of fresh water. That would keep the salinity levels in check.
NO, it won't.
The rate of salt leaving the tank varies, it's not consistent. Adding a consistent amount of saltwater in the form of a top off will not accomplish this, it'll either fall short or be too much.
Regardless, you are going to have to constantly adjust the levels of salt in your topup water to try to achieve equilibrium.
I'm not here to argue with you. I'm also not here to tell you to do it or not to do it. I'm just pointing out what may or will become challenges you'll need to deal with.


Originally Posted by SCSInet
NO, it won't.
The rate of salt leaving the tank varies, it's not consistent. Adding a consistent amount of saltwater in the form of a top off will not accomplish this, it'll either fall short or be too much.
Regardless, you are going to have to constantly adjust the levels of salt in your topup water to try to achieve equilibrium.
I'm not here to argue with you. I'm also not here to tell you to do it or not to do it. I'm just pointing out what may or will become challenges you'll need to deal with.
No arguement here you have made some very good points read post #42 in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
I want to thank everyone for there input...This post has gone over some real inportant information from micro bubble and poppy to the danger of salt creep and unstable salinity levels. For me this post was a quest for more insight. I believe there is a way to do anything. Be it right or wrong but there is a way. I had an idea and I ran with it. Don't worry fellow hobbyist I know there is no place for a bubble wall in a saltwater tank, but you have to admit everybody has thought about it at one time or another. A new hobbyists will look at this post and say why is he being so bull headed and I hope that there where a few that stuck this post out until the end. A lot of time we will tell a new hobbyists no you can't do this or you can't do that, but we don't take the time to tell them why. I hope I didn't piss anyone off by doing this. One thing that is a fact is we do come together as a community. Again thanks and I hope this has help somebody.
So it was all a bunch of hooey??? In the end I do agree..a new hobbyist does indeed think of the bubble wall. I know I did albeit ever so brief.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
K, bubble walls aren't going to kill off a tank. I had one for a few years. Let's not go overboard.
Bubble wand no, but messed up salt levels will. the OP said he was going to use saltwater in the top off, so I told him he would kill everything in the tank by dong that, because the SG can't be regulated right.


Originally Posted by Flower
So it was all a bunch of hooey??? In the end I do agree..a new hobbyist does indeed think of the bubble wall. I know I did albeit ever so brief.
I wouldn't say hooey(ever LOL)...I would say informative. Just hope somebody got something out of it, I sure did.


Active Member
K, gotcha flowers.

We were setting up a new account today at a LFS and someone was in getting their water tested because a fish had died. I'm not sure what the number was but I overheard "Why is your salinity so high?" "What are you topping off with?" Heard the customer say "saltwater"... oops.