it sounds like you might have cyano bacteria if the algae is red and slimey with bubbles. Do a search for more info, but basically all you can do is watch your phosphates (your food you are feeding might be a source as well as the type of water you are using), increase flow to the areas it is forming, reducing lighting, and cut back on your feedings. If your tank is new, this can be expected. As far as riding hair algae, the sea hare will take care of it as it eats HA. You can also manually pull the HA out and let mexican turbo snails go to town on it. Emerald crabs have also been known to eat HA. I use phosguard in my Aqua clear that I have converted to a fudge. This is easy to do (making the fudge) and will allow you to place some chaeto in there as well as Live Rock Rubble to help with filtration. The chaeto will also out compete the algae for its food source over time. Finally, after doing everything you can, I resorted to a 3 day blackout. This is a thread on reefcentral by aquabucket with many members reporting success. Basically, you siphon out as much algae as you can and then kill the lighting for 3 days. At the end of the 3 days, siphon out whats left (should be greatly reduced) and do a water change. Of course, make sure your corals can handle this if you have any. Some people aslo use chemi-clean and red slime remover, but the algae can be controlled without there use IMO. Post a pic so we can get a def. on what you have. Hope this helps.