Bubbles and brown algea


Can anybody tell what this stuff is? And why are the bubbles showing up in and on top of the sand?
The yellow dots are the air bubbles, hey I tried to make them a little more easier to see not sure if it worked.


New Member
how long has your tank been rup and running? It maybe alagae. HOw long are your lights on for? If they are on to long then that will increase the amount of alagae.


Tank has been set up for a month and one day. Not very long I know, but these bubbles in the sand bed just showed up. Exactly how long should the light be on?


New Member
then it is probably alagae which is good for your tank and evebtually will turn green i had the same thing in my tank. As for the lights i read 8-12 hours but my lfs told me no more then 8


From what I understand about sand beds, which isn't a whole lot, is those are carbon dioxide bubbles trapped in the sand. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please. The best thing is a good cleanup crew, naussaris snails are awesome for sand beds. Just trying to help.


:) The bubbles are a good thing! I had the same concern when I started my tank. The bubbles are a sign of a maturing tank - where are you in your cycle?


I pretty sure that my cycle is complete. I've tested the water and nitrite with 0 readings. I even had my LFS and another LFS test my water and they both said my water is fine. The guy at the first LFS is a water chemist. I have 58 pounds of LR and 55 pounds of sand 40 of which is LS. My tank is a 55 gal, so is my cycle complete?
I have a Sebae Anemone,Star polyp, False - Percula Clown, Bicolor Pseudochromis and the clean up crew consist of Scarlet Reef Hermit = 4, Coral Banded Shrimp = 1, Astrea Conehead Algae Eater Snail = 10, Fancy Banded Serpent Star = 1
My two fish seem to have ICK
Please any thoughts or suggestions.


Active Member
Rather then carbon dioxide bubbles, it is more likely that your sand bed is making nitrogen bubbles. Part of the purpose of a sand bed is to convert nitrates into nitrogen. This will often bubble out slowly of a DSB. This is a good thing!
Sounds like your nitrogen cycle is finished. However your tank is still young. Various other water chemistries will oscillate until your tank has stabilized (often around 6 months).
You have a lot of life in your tank for a young tank. Anemones, corals, and starfish are more likely to have problems with a young tank.
Do you have a Quarantine Tank. If your fish have ich, you will need to treat them in a separate tank with either hyposalinity (preferred) or copper.
Do you have metal halides to keep your anemone alive?


I have the JBJ Formosa DX-JG3 260 watts. Is this enough lite for the Sebae Anemone? I am now thinking that it just mite a little late for the QT tank. But what are the things I need for a tank like this? Power head, heater, light, do you really need LS and LR?


New Member
IMO thats plenty of light for a sebae anemone. I have had one for about seven months w/o any problems and I only use 2 36watt PCs in a 30 hex (thats pretty deep). I also have xenia and some shrooms that are doing fine.