bubbles coming up from the sand


i did some research and it was saying that it is H2s and it is not good but it didn't say how to fix the problem .do you guys any ideas on how to fix this problem? :thinking:


Active Member
reeferdog...haha clever name bro!! i do not know exactly what you are talking about...but there is a patch of something on one of my lr's which continuously is realeasing bubbles...its wiered i don get it.....


mine is comming up from the sand . it is being produced from with in the sand .
i have somethig like your problem. but mine is air bubbles getting traped then they release.


Active Member
I believe its nitrogen gases being released from the breakdown of nitrates. I have those bubbles also. :notsure:


Active Member
GOD I HAD A MILLION OF THOSE THINGS, I had them everywhere though, even on the glass and rocks...I eventually just got so fed up that I just scraped them off...But I still have some int he sand, some of them are really little and I just see them look like they come nowhere out of the sand, (i probably get 1-3 per second, varying in size), and some of them are large bubbles on the bottom, with algea growing over the top of them...what do we do?


My guess is you will have an algae problem soon if you don't increase flow in the tank. I have CA2200 and a Rio 1800 in my 125 with hydor rotating water deflectors.


Active Member
We should all psot our readings....
Here are mine: I only have one small powerhead in my 20 g long...Well plus I have a HOB filter wich circulates a lot fo water...is this not enough?
Nitrite: 0.15 mg/l
pH - 8.3
Ammonia - 0
Salinity - 1.024
Temp. - 77


Active Member
If its groups of bubbles sticking to the sand in what appears to be a layer of algae its probably cyano beginning to form. Same way on the glass power heads etc.
If its a random bubble appearing out of the sand bed and rising up to the water level its most likely nitrogen gases as drew said. This is a good thing and often can be seen when the sand bed is disturbed by a passing hermit. This is how a DSB functions to export nitrates and these are not hermit crab farts. :joy:


:hilarious Im having the same problem, I have brown stuff all over my sand bed and LR and zillions of tiny bubbles that float to the top 3 to 10 times a sec. But my tank has just been set up alittle over a week ago and have about 60lbs of LR in a 65 tall. So im HOPING that it will go away soon, or ill be posting a HELP post real soon!!! LOL