Are bubble corals easy, meduim, hard to keep. Do they need anything spical bsides light. Food, placement ect. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
There not really hard to keep at all. I had a BEAUTIFUL bubble coral. Ask Predator I've never seen one like it. We won't go into why it died but I only have 3 40W bulbs on my tank right now and it was doing great. Of course I was dosing with the usual supplements. But that's about it.
I have one and I think they are pretty picky. When I got mine he looked OK but then he took a dive. Went down to about 4 bubbles. Now 2 monthes later he hung on and now he has about 12 bubbles. Still not like I when I got him. I got this one for the wife because she thought they were pretty. Look what I got. Maybe It was to early for me to get one.
I love my bubble coral- it's my favorite. i wanted one cuase io thought they looked raelly cool, but had no idea how interesting they would be. I feed mine squid once a week, and exactly 24 hrs later, he opens up and 'spits' out the leftovers. you can almost set your watch by it. One of these days i will record it on my webcam. anyone nkow where i can post large movie files?
they are very picky about current. due the the nature of the structure of the coral, strong currents can tear the bubbles and open the coral up to infection. keep them in a moderate to brightly lit area with relatively low current and they should do fine. feeding them can also help them grow faster. my varigated pearl bubble gets fed shrimp, krill, squid, and silversides on a regular basis (once or twice a week). HTH...
Mine was my first and is my favorite coral. If you feed it regularly it will grow to twice its expanded diameter in about 3 months. The less the current the more it will expand. I keep mine on the sandbed of my tank.