bubbles everywhere


OK. I have been fighting red slime and the hair for about 2 months now.
I was using a bare bones ro unit for about 2 yr and the sediment went bad and I was water changed with water that was less than perfect.
about 6 weeks ago I when out and bought a typhoon RO/di unit and have been using this for my top offs and water changes (5g evey week for WC and 2g for TO)
I also put in a phosban 150 reactor. now I had bubbles on all of my rock and sand. It looks to be only on the areas with slime or hair. any ideas y? how can i get ride of this. the bubbles are rising and it almost looks like i have an air stone in my tank. thx. I will attach picks.


Ok. so how should i go about getting ride of the bubbles. Please keep in mind that I have 2 sponges in there also. they don't seem to be affected.... yet. thx for all the help


Active Member
i didnt mean that the bubbles on your lr were nitrogen bubbles but i was clarifying that the things called "NITROGEN" that you said were indeed nitrogen bubbles


well... no to think of it. I have been noticing the algae receding. could this be the cause of the bubbles??
I have no air pump/air stones in the system However I do have 2 external over flows.
1 leading to my fuge
the other for my semi-closed system. it this system I have a module heater and chem. filter filed with active carbon.
do you think any of this could be causing it. also I have no micro bubbles from any of my returns


It actually isnt nitrogen gas bubbles, its cO2 from not enough gas exchange..you need to point a powerhead at the surface of your water(dont run an air pump)..I had the same problem in the beginning too.


Hhhhmmm. could it be that I don't have enough circulation in my tank???? I have about 8x/hr of turn over in my tank. I also have 2 3in fan's blowing down to the surface of the water from my canopy and I do get A LOT of ripples in the water. but if that is the case... I was thinking of getting 2 PH for behind my rock


Guys I still have Bubbles?? I up'ed my water movement by 560G/h and I still have bubbles on my rock and sand.
so now I am moving 1410G/h. I have no clue what else to do? I scrub them of and the next day there back.
I also have a little bit of red slim and hiar.
all reading are at 0 including posphate. I am running a phosband reacter with phosband for about monthand half??? maybe more??
I do 5g wc everyweek with RO/DI.
this water is testing clean also
Please help!


:confused: that's the confusing part.
and no sun light in the tank. I keep all the blinds closed in the APT.
Could it have something to do with my salt. could I have gotten a bad Batch of IO???
I think that is the only other thing to check?? the LFS said it may be my LR that is leaching out Posphates?? but I got the posband reactor so I don't think it's that?
this has me sooooo:confused: & :notsure:


so are you saying that in order to get rid of this the seceret is to get more h2o flow. and to do this you need power heads to create more h2o movement. in addition you should have a power head pointed towards the surface of the water from down below? or do you want a powerhead moving water at the surface level?:notsure:


again. thx for all your help.
OK this is what I have for flow.
I have a little giant 4-MDQ-SC on a closed system with 3 outlets.
2 on each side of the tank facing each other ( ->..........<-). they also have about 10degree pitch going up to the serface.
the 3rd is in the middle of the tank facing the front glass at a 45degree angle going down (to the sand)
I have a Mag 5 for a return from my sump/fuge. I have an overflow going to the sump/fuge. this is an external over flow that is setup in the right center of the tank (...|..O..)
this mag 5 return goes through my fluidized(sp) bed in back in to the DT on the left center (.R.|...) facing stright down.
I then have 2 Powersweep 228 (rated @ 270g/h) on each corner of the DT at about a 5degree angle facing down.
ok so lets do some math
thats~ 15x turn over/h
this thing is driking me to drinking...
then again I was drinking before this