Bubbles on live rock???


New Member
:help: Lately I have brown, purple and green algae growing in my tank. I have increased the water quailty, adjusted the lighting time and temp and I still continue to get algae and bubbles. What are the bubbles and what else can I do to prevent all the brown and green algae?


More Info...
Water parameters, tank size. how old is tank, what type of filtration, light cycle times, substrate?


New Member
2 year old tank (moved once 10 months ago) 30 Gal with retro-fit dual 65 watt compact florecents lights on a 6 hours daily cycle, 3/4 watt night LED. Penguin 330 dual bio wheel hang on with new carbon filtration media. Salinity is at 38 (1.028) ppm, pH - 8.3, NH3 - 0ppm, NO2 - 0ppm, NO3 - 5ppm. Live sand/substarte mix 25 lbs of LR and no fish at the moment. 2 Turbo snails.


Hmm... water sounds good, I would probably bring down the specific gravity a little bit if I were you, but this would not be causing algae like that. A lot of algae problems seem to come from too much light or a trAte problem, and both your lights and trAtes look great. Is it in direct sunlight during the day? You said you recently adjusted the light, was it on for longer before? If you cut it down drastically it could take some time for algae to go away. Also, you said you just added brand new carbon, was this about the same time you noticed the algae, could have something to do with it. I personally do not routinely run carbon in my tank, unless something goes wrong where I might put it in for a couple weeks. Some more snails along with some crabs and hermits could also help.
What about temp, it would have to be pretty high though, and from the looks of everything else, I imagine your temp will be good also.


New Member
I put new bulbs in about three weeks ago. I've just noticed a lot of algae in the past week. I run the temp at about 79 on the heater, but the lights warm the tank to about 82 until they cut off again. Have you ever heard of a phosephate sponge helping this problem out. My buddy said it might help a little. I also saw another similar thread in which someone recommended a Foxface (rabbitfish). What are your thoughts on that?? I personally would question trying to put a new fish in a tank under seige by algae that is growing fast. Thanks for all your help by the way!


I have heard of people using/suggesting the phosphate sponge, but have no experience with this myself. I think these are pretty cheap so it might not hurt to try/experiment. Temp seems fine, about the same range I keep mine at.
As far as the foxface, it would help a little, but not to cure the problem. And plus it would deffinitely get too big for your tank. My YT goes after more algae than my foxface.
It really might come down to your water, are you using tap water or RO/DI water. This is kind of a touchy subject. A lot of people will say you HAVE TO use RO water and tap water will cause you problems. Personally, I use tap water and have had no problems, but who knows what will happen down the road. A lot of that depends on the water quality where you live. This is something a lot of other people would say, maybe it does have something to do with it???