Bubbles on tank wall


I have a newly cycled 40G tank and I noticed that besides the green algae film that I have on my tank walls, I also have clear bubbles on my sides and back walls of my tank and my powerheads. Is this bad? Can I get rid of it? I do not have micro bubbles in my tank water that I see, just this accumulation of bubbles on my tank walls and powerheads.


i have the same problem but my tank is not cycled. what i just do on all my other tanks is wipe them off with a paper towel.


Active Member
What you are probably seeing is the results of your algea breathing. If you look at the tank first thing in the morning or before your lights come on and don't see bubbles, but then find them 'everywhere' towards the end of the day then it's just O2 being given off by your algea, probably diatoms with a new tank.
Adding some algea cleaning snails/hermits will help the problem go away. At any rate it will probably go away with some time.
If you find the bubbles first thing in the day then something else is the source of the bubbles.
Good Luck!