Hi All, I am developing some green algea on my DSB and it collects bubbles. I have had a bad hair algea problem but that has gone away. this is new? I use ro/di water as well. Any ideas?
Is your tank newly established? If it is, then I would say that an algal mat on your dsb would be normal. You should purchase some crabs,snails, and other clean up crew members. They will take care of the stuff on the top. You should look into some sand sifting crabs, conchs or horshoe crabs for your sandbed. They will turn over the top layers of the dsb. This will enliven its denitrification of your tank, preventing the nusiance algae altogether.
If it collects bubbles, I would say it might be cyno bacteria.
Try a search, loads of info. Caused by over feeding, nitrates, phosphates, low circulation, blah, blah, blah. You know.
Originally posted by waterfaller1
I thought I had read a thread here,that bubbles coming from your DSB was a good sign that your sandbed was doing it's job..
Yes it is, but he has it being trapped in the algea forming on the sandbed instead of just releasing.
MarineMarty, there as so many factors, I dont think your tank is new, how is the circulation? That could be a factor also.
I would suggest you avoid sand sifting and horse shoe crabs with a dsb...they will eat up all the critters in your dsb and it will not function properly. Do a search on cyno and hair algae...that should get you started.
Hi All, i am thinking the problem might be lack of circulation, i had my mag 9.5 die on me and have been using my rio 3100 as back up for a return. With about 4-5 ft of head preasure and then my sea-swirl, i bet the rio steps off a bunch... or i hope so cause i just got back my NEW mag 9.5 from the company i will install it now