

my tank is having alot of gas exchange? alot of small bubbles
amon. .25 had a fish die and did not find it for a couple of days - did 9g water change (100g) skimmer working way to hard. i feed the fish once a week so my bio load is small now have total of 3 small fish and a tang
alk at 11 with reactor
why the bubbles? what are the bubbles?

reef fool

Active Member
My guess would be either bubbles from the skimmer getting back to the tank somehow or a powerhead that may be sucking air. Where is your skimmer located?


Well-Known Member
ammonia of .25 could be a false low reading. very common in some test kits.
The bubles could be from algae or sand bed. If from algae could be the oxygen being released. if from the sand bed (not the algae in top of the sand bed) could be trapped air or even nitrogen from the sand bed bacteria action.
Or it could be from the circulation as stated earlier.


Active Member
As you know the spike in amm. is from the dead fish, IMO a 9 gall. water change in a 100 gall. tank is not near enough to bring this down. I believe 20% is what to go by, but when parameters are off then more aggressive water changes are needed. Meaning not more water, but more frequently. As for bubbles coming from the sand----its a good thing. The sandbed is working and doing its job. HTH


i got bubbles in my tank to i think it's the skimmer mine is in the slump water goes in skimmer and the clean water that comes out has small bubbles is this bad :notsure:

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by donpachino
i got bubbles in my tank to i think it's the skimmer mine is in the slump water goes in skimmer and the clean water that comes out has small bubbles is this bad :notsure:

Bubbles coming out of your skimmer is usually normal as long as it is not a ton of bubbles. Larger amounts of bubbles can be created due to improper skimmer adjustment or the addition of additives such as red slime removers or stress coat which effect the surface tension of the water and make your skimmer go nuts. If you notice when you have your arm in the tank the bubble level in your skimmer goes way down. Again, it all has to do with the surface tension.
What type of skimmer are you using?