Budget light strip


New Member
Anyone know of a place to get a 20" fluorescent hood w/ bulb for fish ONLY tank cheaper than Petsmart ($24)?


New Member
Home Depot sells aquarium light strips?!
Seriously, I assume you are talking about a generic fluorescent light strip for uses such as under kitchen cabinets, etc. Are you saying they sell one that has the "hood/reflector" like a Perfecto light strip?


Active Member
Im not one to bring down the party but doing stuff like above can get you in trouble.

salty cheese

Active Member
NO is fine for FO only setups.
Originally posted by Snipe
Im not one to bring down the party but doing stuff like above can get you in trouble.



New Member
There is nothing high tech about these small light strips (I don't need a complete tank cover, I have one of those made of folding glass). I thought someone may be aware of a "made in china" light strip for about $15.
People, I may be no SWA expert, but I have sold HUNDREDS of items on ---- for the past 6 years or so. Shipping on that light should cost NO MORE than $5. Unfortunately, ---- has become home of the ridiculous "handling" charge. Poeple are charging $10 to ship items like cellphone earpieces that weigh a couple of ounces. Even w/ Priority Mail (which includes a free shipping box) you can ship an earpiece for under $4. And in those 6 years of hundreds of ---- transactions, the PO "lost" 1 package that took about 2 months to reach me. ZERO have been damaged.


Sorry Snipe.
Check ---- the have some deals Just do a seach.
I purchased a 4 Foot 220 Watt fixture with the bulbs new in the box for $77.00 + 18.95 Shipping. This was the lowest price I found. I know that is not what you are looking for but it worked for me.


20" is for a 10g right? If so I bought my entire 10g tank at Walmart (hood, filter, tank, heater) for $25.


New Member

Originally posted by essop3
20" is for a 10g right? If so I bought my entire 10g tank at Walmart (hood, filter, tank, heater) for $25.

Hmm? The light was fluorescent? I thought those packages came w/ incandescent lights.


Active Member
that place sells either or incandesint or flourecent here there $20 something fot he incandesint and $18 something for the flourecent and the complete kit is $50


New Member
It matters to my eyes. Fluorescent has a whiter light vs. the yellowish incandescent. Plus incandescent puts off more heat and can raise the water temp slightly.


Active Member
On such a small tank it wouldnt matter there not very big and wouldnt put out near the heat of pc or VHO