Buffers and Supplements



Got the new lights which give me 5 watts per gallon and now about to get some nice corals. I have read in some of my books that kalkwasser isnt the best option. That a two part supplement is the way to go. Right now im seeing the best producer is kent marine of the A & B supplements. Was wondering what you guys used. Also here is what will be in the tank as far as corals go.
Tree Leather
star polyp
Most are from a friend who is depolying. I have done as much research as possible on each one but still feel lost. Thanks all


New Member
Kent Tech A and B are pretty good products. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a solid, comprehensive product, my problem with this product is that it is so comprehensive. I like to figure out what my tank actually needs and dose that instead of dosing a comprehensive two part product. Personally I am using seachems aquavitro line. I use seachem 8.4 for my pH, calcification for calcium, and fuel for all of my trace element. I also have their magnesium product but have not had to use it yet as my magnesium has been pretty constant. I also use marine snow twice a week and feed a cube of cyclopse that has been soaked in something like selcon or seachem vitality. I have previously used DT's phytoplakton and would not reccomend anyone to use it unless your tank is bigger than 55 gallons and has a protein skimmer.