bug bombs???


My dog has fleas unfortunately he's in the same room as the tank alot. LFS guy said setting off a flea bomb will destroy the tank. Anyone else know what I can do to get rid of the fleas?? Without killing the tank.


Active Member
Robbed this off the net.. DOnt know the validity of it..
> I'd like to know what you've done to protect your tanks when bug-bombing
> your house or apartment. I've got an infestation of something (brought
> in by my cat, no doubt). So, any success or failure stories? I'll
> archive the info on the Krib, and put a lucid summary into the FAQ.
If it's just fleas, you can get a sprayer at the pest supply store and
use PreCor (TM). It's a flea hormone that prevents juvenile fleas
from reaching adulthood. It's perfectly safe <facial tic> to use
because the hormone isn't poisonous. You probably don't want to spray
it directly into your tank (of course) because the hormone is
doubtless packaged with preservatives.
Vacuuming, a bath for the pet, a dursban flea collar, washing the
pet's bedding, and PreCor on the carpet eliminates any flea problem
I have had in about a week. The PreCor lasts about six months.
For roaches, I use a roach growth regulator and combat extra strength
roach bait.
I don't have any bugs in my apartment except spiders. They kill the
flying bugs.


Active Member
>I prefer to use carpet powder for the most >part. You can buy the powder
>that Fleabusters uses & diy. If you have fleas >remember to get rid of your
>vacuum cleaner bag as soon as you're done >vacuuming. I've had better luck
>with the powders lasting longer than the sprays >& generally doing a better


Thanks for the reply. Buddy was telling that there is this powder that you can buy at the grochery(??) store. You stump into the carpet then vacum. Say's it's good for a year. Says he'll bring it over later cause he stil has some.


get a regular dinner plate and put 4-5 drops of liquid dish soap and fill to edge with water. now take a desk lamp and set it over the plate, about 8" above it the fleas will jump towards the heat of the lamp thinking it's your warm blooded pet .and in the drink they go. the soap breaks the surface tension of the water so they sink to the bottom and drowned.
you asked , try it you'll be amazed ;)


you can also use eucalyptus leaves, fleas hate them for some reason. We use the leaves in our dogs beds and just replace them once in awhile, no more flea probs but for the house not realy sure but you can use it for when your infestation is controlled first.


Yeah, I would definately NOT bug bomb the house. I ask the management of my complex to let me know well in advance before and weed spraying etc. happens near my apartment so I can shut doors, windows and disable pumps for a few hours.


Active Member
We had a flea problem in our house and our vet told us to use frontline on the dogs and the fleas would go to him and the problem would go away. I didn't think that the fleas in the house would all go get on the dog but after about 2 weeks we had no flea problems and continue to use frontline on the dogs and have never had fleas since. That was a couple years ago. I would not bug bomb with a tank.