Robbed this off the net.. DOnt know the validity of it..
> I'd like to know what you've done to protect your tanks when bug-bombing
> your house or apartment. I've got an infestation of something (brought
> in by my cat, no doubt). So, any success or failure stories? I'll
> archive the info on the Krib, and put a lucid summary into the FAQ.
If it's just fleas, you can get a sprayer at the pest supply store and
use PreCor (TM). It's a flea hormone that prevents juvenile fleas
from reaching adulthood. It's perfectly safe <facial tic> to use
because the hormone isn't poisonous. You probably don't want to spray
it directly into your tank (of course) because the hormone is
doubtless packaged with preservatives.
Vacuuming, a bath for the pet, a dursban flea collar, washing the
pet's bedding, and PreCor on the carpet eliminates any flea problem
I have had in about a week. The PreCor lasts about six months.
For roaches, I use a roach growth regulator and combat extra strength
roach bait.
I don't have any bugs in my apartment except spiders. They kill the
flying bugs.