bugs in saltwater?


New Member
ok so im a newbie and i have a wierd thing going on in my tank. my clown fish has some sort of a fungus (white deposits on his head and around his eyes) and now he's changing color -kind of blotchy. anyhow, i figured this might be marine white spot or ich. what im wondering though is if one can actually see the parasites in the water from this disease. looking closely at my glass ive seen a few little salt like crystals on the glass. i thought at first that it was salt deposits but after putting my hand in the tank to see if came off i had to really scrape to get it to come off-furthermore, ive seen some little (tiny-practically microscopic) white things that seem to be crawling up and down on my aquarium wall. can these be parasites from the fish? or are these healthy little critters that are in most tanks perhaps from my live rock? please help...i set up a quarantine tank to medicate the clown but will those white things go away from my show tank? i have inverts so i cant medicate that tank...


Active Member
youbr fish may have ich--no garentees ....those bugs you see are copopods they are good. isolate the fish and treat with hyposalinity....treat all inhabitants of tank separate from main tank ---treatment will last longer then the cycle of the parasite at 28 days


New Member
thanks a million! very helpful! i quarantined the clown and am using some sort of treatment that supposedly works in 3 days, but i'll be sure to keep him in a separate tank for a month so as not to reinfect him. can the parasite in my affected show tank latch on to any of my inverts (hermits, anemone, starfish?) and stay longer than the 28 days? or does it need a fish host to survive? in other words wil it just go away if i have no fish in the tank? or do i need to move the inverts and treat the tank too?
thanks again for the quick response! :joy:
sorry for my ignorance...what exactly is hyposalinity? can i do it in my quarantine tank?


Active Member
Hypo is the process of lowering your salinity.In the disease forum their is a thread at the top detailing how to do hypo. I don't think ich can live on inverts (I'm not 100% sure though) You CANNOT hypo your main tank, it will kill your inverts and LR!!!


New Member
hey thanks alot for the lead on how to find out about hyposalinity....really apreciate you responding to me so quick! i love this site!


Active Member
Originally Posted by greeds
hey thanks alot for the lead on how to find out about hyposalinity....really apreciate you responding to me so quick! i love this site!

I love this site too.