Bugs on the glass


I was looking at my tank today and noticed the water looks a little cloudy - then I noticed that the tank's glass is covered in little white bug looking things (pods?). My tank's only 2 months old - it's got LS, LR.
What can I do to get rid of them? There's hundreds, if not a thousand...


:joy: the little white bugs are coming from the ls & lr. The bugs are great and exactly u want. especially for mandarin gobies.


No tentacles - they are tiny (REALLY tiny) and tons of them. I didn't see any running around the LS so I was curious why they are all congregating on the glass. These last few days I've started to see a little bit of green algae growing - perhaps that's what is attracting them?


Other than a mandarin (my tank isn't established enough - and not enough LR) - what are recommendations. I don't want bugs crawling all over the glass - the sump glass is fine, but not the display tank.


those little bugs will disappeare as soon as u start putting fish in there. I only have 3 fish. but my bugs sure did disappear.
1 mandarine
1 yellowwatchman
1 sixline wrasse
lets just put it this way they are your live sand bed and will go into hiding once u have fish. We spent 25.00 on a bag of those yesterday. I put them in the refugium with little white pieces of pvc pipe. so they can mulitiply. and keep my mandarin fed


How do you like your watchman goby? My husband wants that to be our next fish. Does he hide in the rockwork? What does he like to eat?
Thanks for responding to my posts!:)


They're small - like red ant size and they are white (don't ask me why I chose to compare them to that insect)...
I rubbed the inside of the tank down to get them off - hoping they will migrate to the sand bed. Some came back, but not as many. Could this be the result of the fuge? I just plumbed in a fuge 2 weeks ago and used sand from my LFS' reef tank and have a lot of rubble rock in there. Could it just be spraying pods everywhere?
The only fish I have is a B&W clown (along with a cleaning crew of emerald crab, conch, nassarius and turbo snails.)
Tomorrow I'm planning on getting 2 firefish gobies or a yellow watchman goby. They probably won't help will they?


I recently saw those same tiny tiny white bugs that you are talking about congregating on my glass as well, i was worried it was something REALLY bad. i asked multiple lfs's to help me ID it, but none of them could! thank you for relieving me as well!


not really, they're TINY TINY little white specks, which really have no structure to them, they're just tiny dots that swarm around the glass on the tank, there's a TON of them and they usually swarm in one area


one of my tanks is nearing the end of the cycle and I just noticed these little white critters also. I mean..really tiny.


Active Member
Its normal they mostly come from live sand and they will go away once you have fish that eat them. They are on the sand and rocks its just harder to see them cause they blend in with the white sand. Its just part of the cycle.


You're right. They either moved to the sand - or fuge - or my watchman is eating them...
Now there's not nearly as many... Thanks!:)


I love my watchman. He will find an area in the tank he likes and hang there. Once u put flake, frozen or live brine in the tank to feed him, he will dart all around the tank catching the food. He will always hang out hovering over the spot he chose to live in.


My watchman is pretty new - so he's a little timid. He'll move out from his "cave" a little but the second I move near the tank, he darts back in. Darn little thing! I want to see him! :joy:


It shouldn't take to long before he gets use to you. Atleast It didn't mine. We rearranged our tank a couple days ago, and now mines a little timid. when he sees me he runs, but then he comes back out after a few minutes. :joy: