Build my aquarium



Ok so here is the deal. I will give some basic guidelines, and if you want tell me what you would put in my tank. From the equipment right down to the livestock.
Guidlines. Tank is a 92gal corner aquarium. as far corals goes I don't want anything that will need probably more than T5HO. Only required fish is a mandarin dragonette.
Run wild, and thanks for any inpur.


Active Member
1x Purple Firefish
2x Clownfish
1x Mandarain Dragonette (with refuge after 6 months)
1x Canary Blenny
5x Peppermint Shrimp (helps keep Aiptasia Anemones down)
3x Cleaner Shrimp
2x Blue Chromis
That would be my stocklist to start.
Gives you blues, greens, oranges, purple, white, & red. With 92 gallons you can get a little creative.


Originally Posted by BlackburnD
Ok so here is the deal. I will give some basic guidelines, and if you want tell me what you would put in my tank. From the equipment right down to the livestock.
Guidlines. Tank is a 92gal corner aquarium. as far corals goes I don't want anything that will need probably more than T5HO. Only required fish is a mandarin dragonette.
Run wild, and thanks for any inpur.
Smart move on the T5HO's, they're so much easier to deal with, IMO.
So, now I'll build your tank, LOL.
Protein Skimmer: ASM G-1 Skimmer (G-2 if you want a TON of fish)
Lighting: Current Nova Extreme 48" T5HO's (I think that's the width of your tank, please correct me if I'm wrong)
Sump/Overflow (assuming that you do not have a built in overflow): EShoppes Rs-100. I had this on my 40G and loved it.
Powerhead: Koralia 2 or 3
Pump: Mag Drive MD-5. This is what I personally used, and still use a Mag Drive in my 155g. But there are a million out there.
I'd place ChemiPure Elite in your sump
at least 100lbs Live Rock and 80 Live Sand (go with Caribsea)
Torch, Frogspawn, Hammer, Trumpet Coral, Mushrooms (fuzzy are my fav) Pagoda Cup, Any brain (favia, lobo, open), Acans, Zoos, Elegance Coral. Keep it colorful and I'd definitely add Duncans.
I'll get more specific with exact types if you want, but right now I'm also making dinner,LOL.
Rose Bubble Tip w/ Porcelain Crab
2 Black and Whites (of if added together, one black and white and one orange perc)
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Mandarin Dragonette (don't add until you're tank is established)
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Yellow Tang (I'd say Purple Tang if you really want to spend the money)
2 PJ Cardinals
3/4 Bi-Color Anthias (Hawaiian Fancy)
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Some reef chromis
Clean Up Crew:
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
5-10 Nassarius Snails
15 Hermits
10 Cerith Snails
1 or 2 Emerald Green Crabs
That's as far as I can go right now, dinner is done.


I like alot of what you put up BTL. Thanks for the input. Anyone else?


Active Member
92gal corner is a beautiful tank. Before my 125gal, circa 2006'ish, I was almost dead set on a 92gal.
My plan was a 'risky reef.' Banana Moray Eel, Majestic Angelfish, and a Lionfish, with a single 250w 20k halide, with some SPS up top and mostly larger softies (large toadstool, kenya tree, etc).


Thanks ...
Just a side note about peppermint shrimp and why I did not suggest them. I have had a lot of issues with peppermints eating too many copepods and having to reseed my tank for my mandarin, and this is in a 155, in your 92, I definitely don't recommend peppermints. Most of the time you'll buy 5 to control aiptasia and you're lucky if 1 or 2 eats the stuff and then you're stuck with little monsters that deplete your copepods. It's not a guarantee that peppermint shrimp will eat aiptasia, so why risk it? If you're starting a new tank, be very picky about your rock from day one and you shouldn't have an aiptasia problem, at least not a huge one where you can't control it with a little Aiptasia-X.
I never recommend peppermints and mandarins together.


As far as money goes I don't think you will hit my start up cap unless you really try. Say $3k. And the tank will be drilled for an overflow BTW.


Originally Posted by BlackburnD
As far as money goes I don't think you will hit my start up cap unless you really try. Say $3k. And the tank will be drilled for an overflow BTW.
If you're willing to spend $3k, why don't you want to do metal halides? I personally don't care for that many SPS and don't need the metal halides for what I have and I can't afford a good set right now for my monster tank, LOL.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
If you're willing to spend $3k, why don't you want to do metal halides? I personally don't care for that many SPS and don't need the metal halides for what I have and I can't afford a good set right now for my monster tank, LOL.
I may upgrade in the future, but I don't have much experience with corals. So I want to keep it simple to start. On top of that the cost over time of Halides is more. It's something I have been contemplating, but I think to start T5HO is what I want to go with.


Originally Posted by BlackburnD
I may upgrade in the future, but I don't have much experience with corals. So I want to keep it simple to start. On top of that the cost over time of Halides is more. It's something I have been contemplating, but I think to start T5HO is what I want to go with.

Exactly what I'm doing. I'm not a huge fan of SPS anyways, and they're harder to care for so I don't need the halides.