Build My Dream Tank !!!


Active Member
1000 gallons?? Ok here is what I would do. Black substrate. 500-1000lbs of live rock COVERED in puple and red coraline algea stacked in the middle for an oval track shape. Lots of cool tonga branch coming out of it for nooks and crannies. I would build caves all over the tank for all the fish to play in.
2 24" smoothound sharks (paired) and yes I know the angels will try to pick, but this is a DREAM Tank
1 Goldflake Angel
1 Queen Angel
My Emperor and my Blueface
1 scribbled angel
1 Asfur Angel
1 Personifer Angel
1 Blond Naso Tang (male)
1 Achillies Tang
2 Hippo tangs (one with a yellow belly)
Clown Trigger
Queen Trigger
Blue spotted ray
20 Chromis
10 Various type of Anthias
Mated pair of Snowflake Clowns in a HUGE BRTA (12-15")
Finally!!! A green moray eel (cause I love those things)
If it were really fictional though, I would have 5 corals (show pieces each)
Neon Green and Purple branching Hammer
Tri-Colored Long Torch
Octopi Orange Frogspawn
Huge Giga Clam (green)
Star Polyps to move with the water current
Also: indestructable cleaner crew. Steal covers on them so the triggers couldnt get them


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
1000 gallons?? Ok here is what I would do. Black substrate. 500-1000lbs of live rock COVERED in puple and red coraline algea stacked in the middle for an oval track shape. Lots of cool tonga branch coming out of it for nooks and crannies. I would build caves all over the tank for all the fish to play in.
2 24" smoothound sharks (paired) and yes I know the angels will try to pick, but this is a DREAM Tank
1 Goldflake Angel
1 Queen Angel
My Emperor and my Blueface
1 scribbled angel
1 Asfur Angel
1 Personifer Angel
1 Blond Naso Tang (male)
1 Achillies Tang
2 Hippo tangs (one with a yellow belly)
Clown Trigger
Queen Trigger
Blue spotted ray
20 Chromis
10 Various type of Anthias
Mated pair of Snowflake Clowns in a HUGE BRTA (12-15")
Finally!!! A green moray eel (cause I love those things)
If it were really fictional though, I would have 5 corals (show pieces each)
Neon Green and Purple branching Hammer
Tri-Colored Long Torch
Octopi Orange Frogspawn
Huge Giga Clam (green)
Star Polyps to move with the water current
Also: indestructable cleaner crew. Steal covers on them so the triggers couldnt get them
Way to many triggers and eels with a shark. Plus green moray need a lot bigger tank than that considering they get 6ft long.
Smoothounds need a bigger tank too.,


Active Member
lighting would be a bunch of 250w halides. possible 400w.
skimmers something sick like a huge octopus. but there are better ones.
you could have a 125 for a sump, and a 125 for a fuge. look at cbui2 set up. in a little room this could easily turn into a 1300-1500 gallon system.
just for food of thought a 10" DSB will probably crash at some point.


a sea turtle for sure! illegal as far as i know...but who would find out. deff one of my dream inhabitance.
if i had a tank that was big! (thousands of gals), and there was no price limits,i would probably get the best equipment possible and:
Large Angels:
1 x Clarion Angel (Holocanthus clarionensis)
1 x Conspicuous Angel (Chaetodontoplus conspiculatus)
1 x Griffis' Angelfish (Apolemichthys griffisi)
1 x Personifer or Queensland Yellowtail Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus personifer)
1 x Red Sea Regal Angel (Pygoplites diacanthus)
1 x Blue-Striped Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis)
2 x Scribbled Angel (Chaetodontoplus duboulayi)
1 x Red Sea/Chrismas Island Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
1 x Majestic or Blue-Girdled Angelfish (Pomacanthus euxiphipops navarchus)
1 x Blueface Angel (Pomacanthus euxiphipops xanthometopon)
1 x Blue-Ringed Angel (Pomacanthus annularis)
1 x Koran Angel (Pomacanthus semicirculatus)
1 x Rock Beauty Angel (Holocanthus tricolor)
1 x French Angel (Pomacanthus paru)
1 x Queen+Blue Angel hybrid (Holocanthus ciliaris+Holocanthus bermudensis)
1 x Asfur Angel (Pomacanthus asfur)
1 x Yellow-Band Angel (Pomacanthus maculosus)
1 x Chrysurus or Gold Tail Angel (Pomacanthus chrysurus)
1 x King Angel (Holacanthus passer)
1 x Flagfin Angel (Apolemichthys trimaculatus)
1 x Six Bar Angel (Euxiphipops sextriatus)
1 x Bandit Angel (Apolemichthys arcuatus)
1 x Clipperton Angel (Holacanthus limbaughi)
Dwarf Angels:
1 x Peppermint Angel (Centropyge boylei)
1 x Japanese Pigmy Angel (Centropyge interruptus)
1 x Orange Lemonpeel Angel (Centropyge flavissimus)
1 x Goldflake Angel (Apolemichthys xanthopuntatus)
1 x Bicolor or Oriole Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor)
1 x Flame Angel (Centropyge loriculus)
1 x Coral Beauty Angel (Centropyge bispinosus)
1 x Joculator Pygmy Angel (Centropyge joculator)
1 x Eibli Pygmy Angel (Centropyge eibli)
6 x Red Sea Golden Butterflies (Chaetodon semilarvatus)