build your own rodi

sign guy

Active Member
here is an avrege cost of some of the matireals
clear cans 15.99
poly tubing .29 x 12 feet 3.48
35gpd membrane 31.71
DI 24.99
pressure vessel 16.99
gauge 4.39
restrictor 6.59
carbon 10.99
sed filter 6.59
121.72 pluss your using better parts for longer life


Where are you getting a 35 gpd membrane for under $32.00. Everywhere I look the are about $80.00. Not being sarcastic just wondering?? Thanks

sign guy

Active Member
due to site rules I cant say I can get a 75 membrane for 59.99 its a very custom aquatic kinda place though


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
Could you explain a little more
Ill try...One must first understand that water molecules are smaller than most other types of molecules....
Without any restriction on the waste line, it can not build up pressure inside the chamber that will force the smaller water molecules thru the mesh of the membrane. The mesh is sized just large enough for water molicules to pass thru under pressure. Thus leaveing the larger unwanted particulate molecules that will not fit thru the mesh outside the membrane to be carried away in the waste water.
Look at your own drawing, like its drawn, prefiltered water will freely flow into and out of the chamber....never forceing H2O thru the mesh....picture restriction on the waste line and you can then see how it can build pressure in the chamber that can now force the H2O thru...the rateing on the restrictor determines how much pressure it builds up in the chamber thus controlling the amout that is forced thru the membrane according to its rateing ( the rateing of a membrane is something I dont really understand, Im not saying its a industry gimmick but I do think about that because IMO, its all controld by the restrictor )
BTW, is that two ROs piggybacked did you plumb those ??

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Without any restriction on the waste line, it can not build up pressure inside the chamber that will force the smaller water molecules thru the mesh of the membrane.
so how dose more incoming pressure not raise the gpd above the ratings?
Originally Posted by Dogstar

BTW, is that two ROs piggybacked did you plumb those ??
the first ro is a 75 gpd membrane and its rejected water feeds the 35gpd membrane. the rejected water from the 35 is thrown on the lawn after the two water lines leave the pressure vessels they join back together by a T valve and enter the DI. I did this to cut down on my rejected water, but maintained high quality


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
so how dose more incoming pressure not raise the gpd above the ratings?
Lets say you house plumbing is under 70 psi...if you kept the waste line closed off, that would put 70 psi on the membrane....the more you open the waste line, the less pressure will be on the membrane...the different size flow restrictors are like opening the waste line to different amounts, thus applying different pressures on the membrane...the amount of pressure on the membrane is determend by the size of the FR.

sign guy

Active Member
my unit was built around two things water quality and least amount of waist water possible. I have in order a 5 micron sediment filter a 1 micron sediment filter carbon 75 gpd ro membrane in witch the rejected water feeds a 35gpd ro membrane and they both feed back into a two stage DI. the DI's are the same but the water will travel through the older Di first then to a newer one. I run two sed filters because a 1 micron is so small it would clog up really fast so I put a more coman 5 micron before it


Active Member
I'm bumping this so I can find it easily again.
One quick question. When you purchased the cans and pressure vessel, did they come with the enclosures or did you need to find them else where?

sign guy

Active Member
you cant see it here but Ive added a second tds meter and the words BIG HOSS to the two pressure vessels. deffinitly proud of it

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I'm bumping this so I can find it easily again.
One quick question. When you purchased the cans and pressure vessel, did they come with the enclosures or did you need to find them else where?
that depends on what your refering to as the enclosures? do you meen the white pvc looking pieces?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
that depends on what your refering to as the enclosures? do you meen the white pvc looking pieces?
I'm referring to the lids for the canisters. However from your picture it looks like they are part of the unit. The reason I asked is, my current ro unit has the canisters the

right into an aluminum head piece that also holds the canisters.

sign guy

Active Member
yes the tops are included with fittings in them already, just make sure your all of your fittings match


Where were you oh about 2 months ago when I bought my rodi system?!?
jk lol I would have much rather built my own now that I have read thru this thread....but now I have something to do for my 2 week shutdown around Christmas!! ( can't beat getting paid to do nothing....
) lol add to my rodi unit of coarse lol

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by chris17
Where were you oh about 2 months ago when I bought my rodi system?!?
jk lol I would have much rather built my own now that I have read thru this thread....but now I have something to do for my 2 week shutdown around Christmas!! ( can't beat getting paid to do nothing....
) lol add to my rodi unit of coarse lol

thats the great thing about these units once you build your own and understand how there made you can add or build up any system Im looking at a uv to add to mine right now

sign guy

Active Member
Btw if you build your own unit from scratch no matter the gpd they all cost the same from 25 gpd to 100 gpd