Build your own tank?


New Member
I would like to know how hard it would be to build my own tank? If it would be worth tryng to do. I would like to build one 200-300 gallons.


Active Member
Hard is a very relative term. Do you have some time on your hands? Do you have the tools? Are you a patient person?
Quite a few people on this board have accomplished said task. They were pleased with their work and belive most would do it again.
Ask yourself this question. Do I want to take the time and effort into building my own tank. If your own answer is Yes, GO for it.. I will be doing it soon.... well.... as soon as I get my house built!
Good Luck


New Member
I have lots of time, and tools. But I am having a hard time finding a place to educate myself on this kind of project. I Have a 110 gallon reef tank already and I am finding out that its not big enough for my new hobby. I read about the 1,650 gallon tank and that looked very interesting.


Active Member
There are a few books out there on this subject. Finding a GOOD one will be the fun part.
Do a search on the net for DIY Aquariums... bound to find something.


A good starting point is if you look at the menu on the left you will find something about building a tank, it's in the howto section and it's called tank construction something or other