Building a Refugium?


Active Member
Alright so ive been reading up on the subject and it seems like a good thing to have. 45 Gallon tank, and I want to make a 10g refugium. I don't have a sump nor do I know what one is, so to have just a refugium. I would need to mount it or have it on a stand next to my tank just above the water line right? My tank is glass so I dont want to drill any holes in the side of it. Is it possible to run 2 hoses into the tank using a pump for intake and outgoing? Also then how to prevent overflowing if I have a power outage? An article said to place a valve somewhere, I cant remember.
Some sources ive read show just an open refugium filled with LS, Plants, and bits of LR. I saw pictures of small tanks with different chambers. Are chambers needed or is that a sump? Im just looking for expert advice, cause the articles can only tell me so much.
Thanks, Nick


hon, check out the DIY forum, they're a little more savvy on this info.


Do a search for sumps and you will find all kinds of great ideas. I did I am in the process of making a 20G sump/ref for my 30G.. tons of great info


Or you can purchase a hang on the back (HOB) type and save space and work. I have two CPRs on my 75 gal. Not sure if they have them on this site, but the drs. sell them.
Just don't get the one with the built-in back pac skimmer, I did and the skimmer doesn't work well, so bad I unplugged the air line and don't use that part at all. Otherwise they are fine. You have to get a light for it if you want to grow macroalgae.


you actually don't even need to buy a HOB fuge, you can buy a HOB bio wheel or power filter and turn it into a fuge. The bio wheel one is cool cause not only do you have the fuge, you have a bio-wheel too.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the info guys, i posted a thread in the equipment forum, probably a better place for it. the HOB sounds like a good idea. Ill look into biowheels too.

Thanks, Nick