Building a Stand for a 75


I am trying to decide between two plans and would like to go with the cheaper.
The first option is building a frame and enclosing it with playwood.
The second is using only plywood...(1) 3/4" cabinet grade and (1) 3/4" non cabinet grade so that what I end up with is 1 1/2 " plywood as the front, back and sides.
My question is...will the double plywood construction be strong enough? I think it will, but wanted second and third, etc. opinions.


Active Member
JJ... I am not much in the construction department. But, I have learned one thing in this hobby. "Better safe than sorry."
Wood is cheap.
Time is free.
Build it the best, strongest way you know how. :cool:


Actually...2x4 or 4x4 construction is overkill. Just need to know if plywood is strong enough. My 55 is on a single layer playwood stand now. In theory...I should be able to put a 110 on a double-layered plywood stand.


i built a the stand for my 35 by just looking at the stands at the lfs and it turned out perfect, actually looks better than theres, and i paid 30 bucks, the hinges cost me 8.
i used number 2 pine
three 1x6's
three 1x4's
used 1x4 to build a frame for top and bottom. 45 degree miters
used 1x6 to built vertical slats to connect top and bottom frame
used 1x4 for the door(s)
this way is very stong and very easy if you have right tools.
i used my dads table saw, router, brad nailer, and biscuit jointer.
would post a pic but it is too big. if interested i can email


I didn't want to use pine. I wanted cabinet grade plywood and then stain and poly it. I think reinforcing it with a second sheet of plywood will be cheaper and strong enough, just wondering if anyone agreed or disagreed.


I bought a new 75 gallon yesterday and am building a stand today. I plan on using 2x4s and casing it with plywood. Nothing fancy..
p.s. I took your advice on the sand. I found southdown and got 160# of it for $20. I found a great deal on 75gallon tanks. Brand new $110 cant beat that.


actually i think it would be cheaper and more stable/stronger to build a frame out of 2x4s and then put your finish wood around it. I bought my wood today and built the frame for my 75gal. I used 7 2x4s for the frame. $2 each. $14 total (about the price of your non-cabinet grade 4x8 sheet) ... You can then buy 1/4" or thinner of the finish wood instead of 3/4" and save alot of money/have a stronger stand.
Since i like to over-engineer everything. I used 1-1/2 boxes of 3" screws to put the frame together and am putting 3/4" plywood top and sides on it. Really doesnt need it.


I would not build a stand of any size without a 2X4 under frame. The question is not if the ply is string enough, it is, but joining the ply is the problem. When you glue/screw/nail, the ends can delaminate and you lose your joint. You have a much stronger joint if you attatch the ply to the underlying solid wood.


Active Member
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell'- and great was the fall of it."
Matthew ~ Chapter Seven ~ Verses 24-27
I would use 2x4's


Active Member
Yeah ~ I'm totally gone :p
Seriously - I would do whatever you feel most comfortable doing.
Personally - I would use 2x4's as a frame - and some nice vaneer plywood if you plan to stain it.


That's the idea I had in mind...that plywood on edge is stronger than wood. From what I've heard, those I-Beams can span a longer distance than 2 bys, thus eliminating supports...reducing the number of supports, anyway. And I am planning on using a sheet on top of the stand also.


The thing about the I-beams is that they are not that tall, maybe 8 inches. Plywood starts to have a tendency to bend when you get it in the 30 inch range. I would support it with 2x4's, but that's just my .02. I know I didn't take everyone's advice when building my stand, so I don't expect you to take mine. :D


Hey - Saying Broomer lost it presumes he had it to begin with!! That's beginning to be questionable!!! LOL


Active Member
Boy that's the last time I ever quote a Bible passage :p
Except that "he that is without be the first to cast a stone" one.
That's a pretty good one too.
You're right Jarre ~ I'm still looking for it ;)