Building a sump


I am building a sump using a 20 gal long tank. I know others on here have done this in the past, Does anyone remember the inside width of a 20 gal long? the outside width is 12 1/4, I just dont know the inside diminsions in order to have the glass cut to the correct width.


Yes I do but was hoping to gain knowledge from others experiances... Not always can you measure correctly and have the pieces fit...


Active Member
well if its glass, than a) just measure the glass thickness and subtract it X2 from the outside. but you may have a plastic lip on the top that will make things harderfor you - in which case maybe shave an extra 1/8" to 1/16" off what you think and just fill in with silicone which is what i am guessing you are going to use anyway.


The inside width should be right at 12", so 11 3/4" will fit nicely, without leaving too much of a gap.