Building a Sump


New Member
I have read Melevsreef web site about building a sump. So I was wondering if anyone on SWF has build one also? What was the thickness of the acyrlic you used? How long did it take for you to build it, and what kind of troubles did you run into? Oh and what is the size of it. Thanks


Active Member
I built on. I made it out of a 30 gal fish tank. It was simple took me about 1 day to make. Mainly waiting for the sealicone to dry. I installed baffles out of cutting boards from wallymart. I am now thinking about useing to wet dry filters and hooking them together. Useing that from my sump on my 55 gal.


New Member
i built my own using some of melevs ideas. it came out great. i used 3/8 thick material. the hardest thing is working with the solvent. some practice using scrap with worth the time. i spent about a month building it. it was a new setup and i was not rushing it. one of the hardest things is cuting the acrylic panel squarewith a smooth edge. i was able to run mine throgh a mill, this gave me a nice straight/smooth edge to glue. i think melev uses a joiner to do it. ask is you have anymore ?


Active Member
i made mind out of a 125 gallon perfecto aquarium and some cutting boards from walmart, glued in with aquarium silicone.


New Member
I aquired some acrlic from work. Its 7' long 24'' wide and 3/4 thick. So cutting this will be fun. I will try to post some pictures when I start.


New Member
So this weekend I cut my plexiglass. This week I am going to order the Weild #4. The demisions are 36 long 13 wide 17 high. The last pic is the extra.


see money

I was also thinking of building one..but my thing is i CAN NOT have a problem causing water to over flow..Is there such a build where this is not a factor?

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by flyingfish81
I have read Melevsreef web site about building a sump. So I was wondering if anyone on SWF has build one also? What was the thickness of the acyrlic you used? How long did it take for you to build it, and what kind of troubles did you run into? Oh and what is the size of it. Thanks
I have built a total of six using acrylic after reading melevs stuff. Personally, I would go to a local 'glass' shop (they usually carry acrylic also) and give them the exact measurements you need and let them cut it. I found that the most difficult part to get right was cutting it. Most of these shops charge very little to cut it. I used 3/16" thickness.

see money

i have not read the..whats his names book... but i was woundering if its necessary to build a tank? could i use a 5 gal bucket or something? my tanks only 30 gallons and im about to load 60lbs of rock into it...idk how much water thats displaces but i dont think there will be much water left lol.
I guess my main concern with this sump thing is having a spill/floodless system. Is there such a thing?


Active Member
you can go out and buy a 10 gallon aquarium, and it will work perfectly. some people use rubbermaid bins. you can use whatever you want that holds water really.
again, of course you can have a system that will not overflow.
the amount of water that will flood the sump in the event of a power outage, is only as much as will fall over the wall of the overflow. if the overflow surface skimmer is set at the right height, you are not going to lose much water when the power goes out. you also have to take into consideration your return, because it will want to create a back siphon when the pump goes off. a small hole drilled in the return just under the waterline will stop this.


New Member
So whats the best way to get water to your sump? Is having a overflow box the best way or will having a 1'' line work?


Active Member
the best way is to have the display drilled for a bulkhead. you can use a hang-on style overflow, but i prefer drilling. i don't know what you mean by a 1" line.


New Member
I was wondering if you could use a 1'' line to remove water from your tank into a sump rather than a over flow box.


Active Member
i built a sump with fuge out of acrylic. the thread is in the DiY section called saltn00b's multi-phase upgrade thread. a few pages back or try to search it. lots of pics


New Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i built a sump with fuge out of acrylic. the thread is in the DiY section called saltn00b's multi-phase upgrade thread. a few pages back or try to search it. lots of pics

Great thread. It looks like you put a lot of thought into it, and did a great job also. I wondering if you put any other pictures any where on here about your sump/fuge. I really didnt see them that well. Thanks again.


i just built my sump out of a 20 gal aquarium and bought small sheets of glass at home depot and cut them to size for the baffles and siliconed them right in. worked out really well. i didnt want to mess with the acrylic cause of the silicone bonding issues so I just went with all glass. just took a few hours.