building a website


Active Member
We are using yahoo for the company website. Some things are a bit confusing but for the most part, it seems to be type and upload. There is 24 hour free tech support for us so thats helpful. There were a few things I wanted different but unfortunately they said unless I knew the code I would not be able to change it. It wasnt HTML either. Either way, it isnt so bad. Just not as easy as I thought.


yeah i seen your site powered by yahoo and i looked that up but it was expensive


i thought the shopping cart from godaddy would be the best option but there is more than 20 items to sell


Active Member
Does godaddy have a limit? I have over 500 and it gets a bit tedious uploading info, pics, and everything else that goes along with it.


Active Member
ah, I see what you mean by all the OTHER stuff. Most of it will never get used. They gave us 1000 emails. I was like HOLY COW, all I need is 10.


lol...yeah that part of the problem...getting a bunch of other stuff you dont need or not going to use...i dont want to pay for it...and if that shopping cart wasnt so easy to make a storefront it wouldnt make such a hard choice...but we wont to accept pay pal and paypal has the site integration with its own shopping cart so all you have to do is have a website and integrate the paypal cart...if i could make a website it is cheaper to host the site and integrate the paypal for about 7 bucks/month