the egregious
Today I have bought a lot of materials to start a new stand for a 75.
I was curious if anyone coudl point me in the direction of some very
extravagent stands that I might get some ideas from? It would be
extremely helpful. I have never built one before but I am pretty handy
with wood working.
Also if I am not mistaken, the basic stand design is pretty much plane jane,
all that changes is the cosmetics as far as pillars, colums, corwn molding etcetera?
Like I said I am starting it today, so an expediated response would be a God send.
Thanks in advance.
I was curious if anyone coudl point me in the direction of some very
extravagent stands that I might get some ideas from? It would be
extremely helpful. I have never built one before but I am pretty handy
with wood working.
Also if I am not mistaken, the basic stand design is pretty much plane jane,
all that changes is the cosmetics as far as pillars, colums, corwn molding etcetera?
Like I said I am starting it today, so an expediated response would be a God send.
Thanks in advance.