building the aquascape help

I am young but I want to be a Marine biologist so I have done some research. My parents bought me a 24gal nano dx and we set it up dec 26 with a bag of live aragonite, 13 lbs of live rock and left it for a week. It cycled and now my levels are Ph 8.2 ammonia-0 nitrates -0 nitrites-0 salinity1.023 temp76degrees.I do have some brown algae right now. I have one f perc, one neon goby one scooter blenny,one fire goby 5 snails 3 very small hermit crabs and one peppermint shrimp. Two crabs have grown and switched shells and the shrimp molted last night. I do want to add an anemone and coral prob soft. Except for the neon goby I am striving for indo-pacific biotope. I have seen other tanks on this site and want to know how I should reset my rock? Add more? see small profile photo of tank I am also striving for a peaceful tank all inhabitiants getting along great!! Can I add later a 6 line wrasse or is it too aggressive. ( looking for fish coral suggestions)doing jobs at home to save for my bubbletip. Thanks for your help
So list of questions:
how to arrange rock
should I get more
future fish/ coral suggestions


Active Member
Are you sure your tank cycled? Did your ammonia and nitrite spike and then drop back to zero? I wouldn't add anymore fish, especially if its going to be a reef. What kind of lights do you have for the corals/anemone?


Active Member
you should bring your specific gravity up to 1.024-1.025 this is the ideal range for inverts.
I keep my reef at 1.026 to 1.027 its on the high side but it keeps my trace concentrations higher, but I dont reccomend this for someone whos just starting out, its easy to miss a top off and crash.
My tank cycled and came back to 0 and is still. fish are fed one time per day taking pellets (just a bit) and crushing them (all my fish have small mouths)
I have 2 24 watt 50/50 dual spectrum bulbs with 2 cooling fans as lighting
any suggestions about rock? thanks for replying


Active Member
I would add at least 10 more lbs of cured rock. of you are addinf corals remember that most are attached to rock, s yo will be adding this way.
with your lights you can keep shrooms and zoos and xenia and leathers.
Good luck
Thanks for the coral suggestions I will read up on them. I know that I can get them at a reputable lfs and they may cost more but only 10 min from store to quarantine is a plus it has to be. Are there any recommended ways to arrange the rock when the coral is added? I know they need space for growth, tentacles/toxins and direct light. I just have my rock spread all over the place currently and have no idea how to arrange it. see my tank on profile pic. Thanks for your reply MBintraining


Active Member
Welcome to the hobby.

A few observations.
First off the number one thing you should keep in mind is BE PATIENT!!! Things take time to develop. The fact that you have some brown algae (cyano) tells me that you rushed things a bit.
Secondly, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, and RESEARCH!! Before you buy anything, know how big it gets, what it's living requirements are (feeding, lighitng, current) and compatability with other inhabitants. There are a number of good books out there, and the board here is a great place to get info (get used to the search feature).
Next, forget about the anemone. A few reasons for this. First of all you are just starting out and they are more difficult to keep and should be reserved for intermediate to advanced aquarists. NExt is that they really need tanks larger than 55 gallons as they are extremely sensitive to even small fluxuactions in tank parameters--tough to keep in smaller tanks. Third is that they require intense lighting (Metal Halide, VHO, T5) in the 5-8 watts per gallon range (120-200 watts of lighting for your tank). I don't intend to be mean, but that is the truth. There are plenty of corals out there that resemble anemones that will do well in your tank.
As for the rock placement, check out the photography section of the board and look at others tanks. Find an idea that you like. Arrange the rocks and then leave it!
Again, welcome to the board and welcome to this wonderful hobby!!
I did find the photo section and like the reefylooks that I do not have yet but someone told me not to fill the tank with live rock. Wait then as I add zoanthids, soft coral and mushrooms add rock to place them then because they come on rock. So now waiting is the key fish are happy, I am happy changing 10% a week and (for now limiting lightto 8 hrs) because of algae. Thnkas for the good advice. MBintraining


Active Member
Originally Posted by MBintraining
I did find the photo section and like the reefylooks that I do not have yet but someone told me not to fill the tank with live rock. Wait then as I add zoanthids, soft coral and mushrooms add rock to place them then because they come on rock. So now waiting is the key fish are happy, I am happy changing 10% a week and (for now limiting lightto 8 hrs) because of algae. Thanks for the good advice. MBintraining

To answer your original questions:
how to arrange rock:
Arranging rock is a matter of personal preference. One key is to make sure that your arrangement is stable. you don't want a rogue invert to cause a landslide resulting in a cracked tank. I also, recommend trying to create caves and ledges. Many fish like to swim in and out of your rockwork.
should I get more:
It is true that when you purchase corals it will likely come attached to a piece of live rock, but the size of the rock is minimal. Again this is a matter of preference. A general rule of thumb that most people go by is 1 pound of LR per gallon of water. In the event you do purchase more LR, it MUST be fully cured to go in your tank. Otherwise it will likely cause another cycle which would be deadly to any of your fish.
future fish/ coral suggestions
As far as fish go you are maxed out now with what you have and the Sixline wouldn't be a happy camper in there. For starter coral, I would go with Mushrooms and Xoanthids. They are easy and great to begin with. I wouldn't add any corals or anything else for a couple of months though.
Furthermore, you have added everything really fast. Typically a new fish should only be introduced every few weeks. This gives your tank a chance to catch up to the bioload. I would hold off any any changes for a bit. Too many additions to quick can result in a tank crash.
Welcome Aboard!!


should i get more??? uh yes you will....this is an addicting hobby welcome... i am in the process of building a 150G ... my second SW and i have been researching for 2 years... yes put the rocks how you like but stable... and again welcome and best wishes on becoming a marine to ophila


I always wanted to be a marine biologist - i actually went as far as going to college to study Zoology for 2 years... i became an architect 6 years later - oddly enough
But, i'm still a marine enthusiast, a SCUBA divemaster, i've done some volunteer work for the Riverhead Foundation (they save & relocate seals in New england) -
I just love the ocean... Now i've become a salt water aquarium addict....

with that said...
the best advice i've received so far is to read, research, be patient, & go slowly...

especially getting into marine biology - you will want to read everything
you can get your hands on!!!

live rock - between 1-2 lbs per gallon. Not only will it help you create that 'reefy' aquascape you're looking for, but it'll be the best Bio-filter you could ask for, and possibly help to stabilize the smaller environment. :happyfish
I want to thank everyone for their helpful advice. :jumping: Between a great lfs, this site and books I am off to a great start. 2months into it brown algae gone calcarous alge growing as planned and fish are happy :happyfish .
Just visiting lfs too much to drool over their corals and checking out their cured liverock. It may cost more here but it is quality stuff and 10 min travel in a saltwater bucket makes die off a non issue.
Love my tank trying to remember patience is a virtue
What do you think 2 more weeks before adding more liverock?
Thanks MBintraining
As soonas I can I am going to try to post a pic of my new liverock config it is really cool? 23lbs in a 24gal tank and so clean too!!!!! MBintraining


Originally Posted by MBintraining
I am young but I want to be a Marine biologist
I worked with SeaWorlds oceanography as a field agent on the gulf coast with marine mammal rehab before a career shift... super fun!