Built another hood, whata you think?



I don't know, I just don't know. I think it needs testing and perhaps after a few months some redesign might be in order. Of course you'll have to send it to Michigan to me for testing and if you could just install the lights first then I'll be happy to give it a trial run.
You know I really miss that winky emoticon ;)
Looks good so far Kpk


Active Member
Looks good! my Husband and I have recently gotten into building stands and canopies for people in our area and I am always interested in new designs.
- For anyone wanting to build their own stuff and do not have tools, Home Depots rent just about any tool you can imagine.


my door swings inside too......one thing that i installed is a magnet on the inside of door and on the roof inside the hood...that way the magnets stick when you open it and you don't have to hold it......
Just thought maybe that would be something you want to add....it helps me


Active Member
Wow waterfaller that looks good, alot better than the one I did. Looks like he has alot of time in it.
Brad that is a good idea, might have to do that if the lights aren't in the way, or I may have to drop a magnet down with a piece of wood.
Got I almost done, get a pic later...


Active Member
Good luck, it's kinda fun doing it. I am fixing to do another one for my 20l just because I have extra wood...