Bulb anemone good Host?


Active Member
there are diffrent kinds, maybe, but ive seen a lot of skunk clownfish in bulb anemones. and tomato clowns take almost every kind of anemone.


Bulb anemone and bubble tip anemone are usually used interchangably and it is very confusing. The site lists both and bulb "Gyrostoma Quadricolor" and bubble tip "Entacmaea quadricolor". Neither are natural hosts for perculas. Natural host anemone for percs are either very difficult to keep, prohibitively expensive or grow very large. If this will be your first anemone a bta would be a good choice. There is that chance that your fish won't host in it but there is a chance it will. If it does host may take some time, could take days, weeks, months, a year, maybe never. I have a juvinelle perc that hosts a bta, it took a few weeks.


ok thanks ... i ordered the bulb anemone and 2 percs from swf.com thinking the bulb was the bta ... i guess we will see what happens


Active Member
It's a hit and miss if you ask me. I have a large RBTA in our larger tank and my true and false clown pair have no interest towards it. I have another RBTA in our 75 and wild caught Salomon Island Percs fell in love with it after about 2 weeks. And I have another GBTA in our nano and our Picasso Clownfish show no interest for it (they didn't for the RBTA either).


ok, my order was still in pending status so i requested to cancel the Bulb anemone and if they had one to send the BTA but if they dont have one will the percs be ok w/o an anemone?


cool thanks, i just saw on the swf.com that there is an Atlantic carpet available .... whats your opion on that?


Lmecher thanks for that link....I was seriously considering a carpet before that read, you saved me some $$$


Just to set the record straight, I have never owned a carpet, some make wonderful hosts if you have the proper equiptment and experience to keep them. I do know atlantic carpets are not hospitible hosts, they are notorious fish eaters.


I've have my bta anemone for about a month now and my pair of ocellaris clowns hardly even go hear it, let alone hosting


Originally Posted by r1v2c
I've have my bta anemone for about a month now and my pair of ocellaris clowns hardly even go hear it, let alone hosting

Don't cry yet, it took my ocellaris pair a year to discover mine. Now they are happily spawning, they lay their eggs at the base of one of my roses. There is still hope, may just take a long time for them to discover it.