Bulb Anemone Randomly Died...Why???


New Member
I have had a bulb anemone for about 6 months now. I feed it tiny pieces of raw shrimp about 1/week. It has proper lighting and has ben happy and healthy for a long time. Last night it was doing fine, then this morning, it looks almost dead. The foot is still full of color and attached onto the rock. But the tentacles are so tiny you can barely see them(all shriveled up), and have turned green. The anemone is usually a rose color. I am confused bc nothing has changed at all. I checked water quality and it's fine. All other organism in the tank are doing great! No one was home last night except for me, so I know it wasn't messed with. What would make an anemone do this? And is it dead?


Can you give more specifics about water parameters and lights?
Anemones shrink from time to time, it is normal, if it is still attached, and the foot looks OK, then that is probably what it is doing. I would say wait a couple of days to see what it does. If you are nervous about having a 'dead' anemone on your tank, then try to take the rock out of the water and smell it, if it stinks (and believe me they do! smell when dead), then is dead, if not leave it alone.
Welcome to the forums.


Active Member
I think fishzen is right and it has just shrunk and will return to nornal soon.
Your anemone is one of the rose bubble tips from China and the greenish color is normal.


Active Member
My anemone does the same thing. I have had him for 2 months he will close up and stay that way for a day then open up for about week or so. Do not worry.....You will know if he is dead.... trust me......The smell is a killer and he will turn to a jelly substance. :joy: