bulb combination question

i am going to buy a 4 x 55 watt pc for my 29 gal tank, it has two ballasts so normally it would be a 10000k/acitinic mix on each ballast. But i want to be able to have just the blue light on the tank if i want...will it effect the tank if i just put the acitinic bulbs together and the 10000k together? and would you put the blue in the back or the white in the back? any help would be appreciated THanks!


A lot of people put the acintic on one ballast and the white on another. You can create a dawn/dusk effect this way.
8:00 am actintic turns on
9:00 am white turns on
7:00 pm white turns off
8:00 pm actinic turns off
as far as front or back Im not sure what I would do. I guess it depends on where you would want to place things, but for the most part I dont think it would matter.

bang guy

If you can rewire the bulbs I think it would look better to stagger the types.
If not, then with Actinics it will look best with them in front, if you have the 7100K blue bulbs it probably won't matter where they go.