Bulb Replacement (Algae Problem)


I have been having a huge algae problem for about 6-7 months now. It gets all over the tank in about 2 weeks. My water is fine. I havn't change any of the bulbs yet on my 2 48" Nova Extremes. I have had the lights for about 1 3/4 years. Could this be causing the hair algae bloom? The lights are working but didn't know if I'm suppose to notice a algae bloom if the lights are rdy to be changed out. There are a total of 8 blues and 8 white lights. 432 watts on a 75 gallon..


yes change the bulbs
i do believe T5s are like my VHOs and should be changed every year, i do believe they are supposed to last 14 months but 1 year is a good marker time for when its time to change
a T5 expert chime in please as i don't use them but they are pretty much the same as VHOs but could have different life expectancy's


Ok. So this is most likely the cause of the Hair Algae bloom? Do I need to get all bulbs replaced (blues and whites) if it is?


Would it be much better and cheaper to just buy a MH instead of replacing these bulbs? Its going to cost me 300 dollars every 1 to 1 1/2 years to replace 16 bulbs. 2 to 2 1/2 years is going to equal almost the price of buying a 500 watt MH. The MHs are only 1 to 2 bulbs to replace. 69 dollars for each bulb for MH bulbs. 17.99 for 48" whites and 16.99 for 48" blues.


Active Member
Before spending the money on new lamps, have you looked at other causes of your algae bloom? Plants need food (nitrates) and light to thrive, which your algae is doing. What are your nitrate levels and how long do you leave your lights on each day? What type/amount of cleaner crew do you have on hand?


I leave my blues on for 4 hrs and my whites on for 2 hrs. So the time isn't a problem. It never did this until the 1 1/4 year to 1 1/2 year mark. I will check the nitrates but the last time I checked when the algae was blooming it was fine.


Active Member
Your bulbs need changing anyways no matter how you look at it. This is definitely a perfect time to think about upgrading your fixture to MH. Yes there may be other things going on too that promote the algae growth, but your bulbs are due too.


ok. I will do that. Im thinking that the bulbs are the problem since I never had this problem. Kind of wierd that in 2 week it covers the whole tank after a cleaning. I even shut the lights off for 2 days after cleaning. Then I turn them on for the 4 hrs for blues and 2 hrs for whites. Never had this problem before. I read in a forum that the lights do this when they get old but didnt know if anyone else has had this problem. Ive used the Phosphate Sponge stuff and in 2 weeks it still does this.