Bulb tip anemone question


I've had this anemone for over 2 months now and when I placed it in my tank it looked like an actual bulb, but after time went by it's tips starting looking just like normal tips without the "bulb". Is this normal? Another thing is that it seems to run away from MH because it's been wandering all round the tank and it finally seems to have picked a spot where there's no MH light. I feed 2-3 times a week and it extends pretty wide, ut doesn't show the bulb tips anymore.
Does anyone know why this could be happening? Thanks!



It doesn't look bad, Mine has bulbs sometimes and other times it doesn't...I think that is common from what I have read about BTA's...Are your water parameters good?


Originally Posted by meowzer
It doesn't look bad, Mine has bulbs sometimes and other times it doesn't...I think that is common from what I have read about BTA's...Are your water parameters good?
Yup everything checks so far
Trates are 0
ammonia 0
ph 8.3
temp 79
sg 1.023
Originally Posted by spanko

Looks very healthy to me.
That's what I thought, that it was healthy. Just because I didn't see it in a bulb is what made me think that maybe something was wrong
There are some theories out there but none have been proven. It is a phenomenon that can't be explained. A perfectly healthy BTA stops bulbing, or continues to bulb or half bulb and half not bulb. Yours looks very healthy.