bulging eye


After the post on the 7th I chose to medicate because she really wouldnt eat the prepared garlic food. It ran its full 5 day cycle from the 8th thru the 13th.
No His one eye is back to normal but his other has not changed.
I am really not sure what I am going to do at this point.


Staff member
Aside from the bulging eye, is the fish doing ok? Eating, acting normal, etc? Don't panic.


She is alot less active but otherwise fine. She limits herself swimming and finds a place to "hold up" and lay against. She still eats well enough.


Staff member
The bulging eye is not deadly, and some fish who have suffered popeye never actually recover. Basically the eye socket is damaged and it stays that way. This is not necessarily a death sentance for the fish. Also, over time, the pop could go down, if not to normal, then near-normal.
Add zoecon to the fish food. What are you feeding this fish? And how often?


she gets fed once a day...flake food prime reef(mostly),
on occasion brine shrimp or formula one frozen.


Staff member
Magooo2, sorry to say, but that is a pretty bad diet. You need to add a good deal of variety to the meal, and marine fish should be fed at least 2x a day. Try some frozen foods out. More variety.


I will take a look at the lfs and see what is available.
Twice a day ...i did not realize that. I will take your advice to heart . Thank again Beth for all the info.


I was given a clarkii from a friend. He had extremely bad popeye- with the left being worst than the right. It looked like the eraser end of pencil was sticking out from the inside.
I was given the fish because a maroon clown beat him up.
It is now almost 4 weeks since I've had him. I chose not to use antibiotics because I don't have a QT and I have other fish in the tank.
I tried my best to hand feed him and he didn't do well the first week. However by two weeks his right eye was normal and at 4 weeks the left is almost normal.
I alternately fed him with 2 different flake foods, one containing garlic and the other containing brine. I fed 3x/day when possible and 2x definitely.
Now he's quite active and playfully swimming. He enjoys the company of the peppermint shrimp.
Stick with your fish and she'll pull through :happyfish:


Just giving all an update on my clarkii's condition. It has been several weeks since my first indication of pop-eye. Her eye's became quite large and she had a difficult time swimming. Yes I medicated the tank because she was the only fish in the tank . I had removed all the live rock but have since replaced it after the last 4 water changes . Her eyes are as close to normal that I have seen in quite sometime. I also (upon recomendation from Beth) changed her diet up with more frozen types of fish food along with prime reef flake. She is doing quite well now and I thank all had imput into my problem.


As an added bonus I now know how to edit the photos I do take to post here on the boards....:cheer:


Staff member
He does look better, but the eyes are still a bit bulged. This may go down over time. Are you feeding the fish garlic soaked food?


I have found a mixture and add garlic to some frozen food he will eat, so the answer to your question is yes.


Staff member
Use fresh garlic juices, not prepared. The real thing is the best thing.


what about the kent marine Extreme garlic? you still suggest fresh garlic? Just curious because its easier to have a jar of kent around than it is to keep track of fresh juices.


Staff member
Yes, fresh garlic is really the best, and I have not found that the packaged stuff works all that well. Just be sure to retain the juices when you mince the garlic. I usually chop it in a glass contaier then add the food.
If you make your own food, you can add a bit of garlic when in the food prep.