

Active Member
anyone know where i can get bulkheads for a decent price??...im in jersy .. atlantic city area..... only bulkhead i can find around hea was $32 and was only 1'' opening.. i was like wth.....


there is a decent lfs on rt40 in blackwood i believe, may ocean encounter??? not sure of name.

mpls man

Active Member
go to a Home Depot and get the 2 halves to put together and make your own , a lot cheeper, in the pvc section, very easy to do.


Active Member
heh dats funny to hear... cuzz thats what i did.. i went to hd.. 2 of them and a lowe's and guess what.. they dint have anything that works.. (trust me on this... i went to vocational school for 2 years... for hvac) and i was like NOOO y Hd dont fail me!!!! but it did.. they have nothing that will make a good seal...so i have to go els places..

mpls man

Active Member
wow, that sucks, sorry to hear that, the HD must be different there, i remember going to the Menards here to get mine and it worked fine. if you don't find a place let me know , i have some places to try. Hummer1011@netzero.com. good luck


Active Member
kool thx guyz... i know i couldnt believ it too.. HD dint come through this time.. anyhow.. i dont need the bulkheads right now exactly... i just wated to find out.. i will need it in the near futur when i set up 2 more tanks... which will be sometime befor summer.. it will be fun.. ill post another trend like this when i need them.. hopefully u guyz will come back and give me the answers to this bulkhead thing..