bumps on powder blue help please

youngman 864

New Member
Has anyone had a powder blue tang with bump,it's not like ick what I'm use to seeing its more like lumps in his body. Please help been feeding him garlic,vitamins,seaweed sheets. My other fish are fine.


Staff member
Post all of your water readings, including ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity.
How long have you had the tang?


Staff member
Originally Posted by youngman 864 http:///t/378659/bumps-on-powder-blue-help-please/20#post_3524957
My ph is 8.0 my ammonia 0.25,nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0 ppm, kh 8 , salinity 1.022
Why do you have ammonia? How long have you had the tank set up?
Try to get the ammonia levels down to zero. That is very likely the problem.
What and how often are you feeding your tang?
Can you post a picture of the tang?


Staff member
Why do you have ammonia in the tank?
What are you feeding your fish?

youngman 864

New Member
I got my ammonia down to 0 I'm feeding my fish dry fish food,brine shrimp,sea weed sheets,mysis with garlic and vitamins.

youngman 864

New Member
My ammonia and nitrate will rise a little from time to time. How can I prevent it from creeping up on me. I do water my water changes. I have a 55 gallon and I will do 15 to 20 gallon change every two weeks. I run two skimmers,two power heads in my tank,a polish filter and a media filter.I had my tank for 6 months. All help is appreciated.


Staff member
Does your tank have live rock and sand? What other fish do you have?
I can tell you right off that a 55 gal tank is not suitable for Powder Blue Tang. Tangs need lots of space and room enough to swim hard.
I would suggest that you take him back to the fish store and get a fish that is suitable for your tank size.


If you had 4 tangs in a 55 gallon, I'm afraid that it just wouldn't end well. Don't get any more tangs, and get some fish that better suit your tank. I would return the tangs immediately.

youngman 864

New Member
I have live rock,sand my fish consist of maroon clown,small yellow tang,fame angle,two fire gobies,two cleaner shrimp.


Staff member
The tangs are not appropriate for your size tank, especially two of them.


Staff member
Go ahead and return the yellow tang (possibly for a store credit). Then get the powder blue tang healthy again and return it.
Do some research online to see what type of fish you would want that is suitable for you tank. You already have a flame angel, and this fish is around the size fish you should aim at. You may want to invest in a fish book that will show off some pictures and give you some basic info about fish species.
Pajama cardinals are nice looking fish, and make great fish for a community aquarium.

Lyretail Hawkfish

youngman 864

New Member
Thanks beth you have neen very helpful. Most places where you buy saltwater fish they want to make money they not real concern about your set up and will it support what you want. Most time if you water checks out fine they will let you have anything in the store.


Staff member
Originally Posted by youngman 864 http:///t/378659/bumps-on-powder-blue-help-please/20#post_3525130
Most places where you buy saltwater fish they want to make money they not real concern about your set up and will it support what you want. Most time if you water checks out fine they will let you have anything in the store.
Exactly right. So, you have to do research. Luckily, we have the internet and forums such as this one to help us out.


Active Member
Do research don't put it on the LFS. Ammonia doesn't creep. If it does you are stressing the foundation bacteria and are teetering on crashing the system that is why your showing any ammonia.


I would try to return the Powder Blue too. A powder blue in a 55 isn't great, and the YT would be a better fit, even while not ideal. A powder blue is more of a 120+ fish. Also Beth, I haven't had any luck whatsoever with the pajama cardinals, only normal ones. Guess that is just me though :p