burn n spy


I have been changing out 10gal a day in my 110gal tank after stiring up the sand. Fighting the red algae in the sand bed. Everything else is doing ok. my home page shows my specs. 110 gal tank with over 100lbs of live rock.. rubbermaid sump. I have read about (myricin??) as a way of riding tank and I have read what you said about 50%water change..with the rock ect what is 50% in my tank...(about) know rock takes up a lot. this has been going on 2-3 weeks .. thanks terry


Active Member
If your tank has 100gal and 50ppm nitrates, a 10gal water change has the following affect:
This example shows thatitrates are continously it would take over a week to reduce the concentration of pollution in your tank 50% with such small water changes.
This doen't take into account that nitrates are countinuously added to the tank via waste coversion.
You need to do a 50gal. water change to be effective and add a DSB to prevent further nitrate buildup naturally.


Active Member
4+ inches of bioactive reef sand. I recommend using 4+" of Caribsea Seaflor and some LR, the Seaflor gravel will become LS in a few weeks.


Burn & spy..
I have just completed a water change of 50 gal. I dosed with kent cb part a and b. Added 3 caps of kent coral-vite, 3 caps of kent Strontium & Molybdenum, and 3 caps of kent tech.i. Changed out the phosphate sponge, rinsed pre- filters and the sock filter. Stired up the sand as I drained. I have about 2in of bed sand. Could not afford to purchase anymore today. Is there anything else I need to do and how long should I wait to see results. Should I continue any other water changes right now or wait a week? Should I continue to stir up the sand bed to remove any red slime that comes up? Thanks .. hope this works..If not I will have to nuke with Maracyn unless you have another suggestion. thanks terry


Active Member
Wait a week.
Get rid of the phosphate pad, its junk and may be adding to the problem.
Are your lights on more than 4hrs a day?


Lights are on 4-5 hrs a day... unlucky as I am my anommiie (sorry for the spelling) got sucked up in a pump and died overnight... when I got home the amonia was high and water cloudy last night. did another 30 gal water change put reef carbon in filter bag. Tank is clear and not much red algae tonight (day 2). Skimmer working again and all looks good for now... will hold my breath. Do not know if I need do anything but wait? That is what I will do unless told to do something else.. and they say lightning does not strike twice... later terry